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Author’s Purpose Modes of Writing. Three Reasons for Writing 1.To Inform (Expository) 2.To Persuade (Persuasive) 3.Entertain (Narrative or Poetry) You.

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Presentation on theme: "Author’s Purpose Modes of Writing. Three Reasons for Writing 1.To Inform (Expository) 2.To Persuade (Persuasive) 3.Entertain (Narrative or Poetry) You."— Presentation transcript:

1 Author’s Purpose Modes of Writing

2 Three Reasons for Writing 1.To Inform (Expository) 2.To Persuade (Persuasive) 3.Entertain (Narrative or Poetry) You will need three cards.

3 Inform Definition Example SentencePicture Examples

4 Writing to Inform Often called expository writing. Expository writing shows or explains facts. Examples: Biography of Barack Obama News report about a shooting Note to a friend Essay about killer bees Remember: Expository = Expose or Explain

5 Writing to Persuade Attempts to influence the reader. Usually makes an argument. Examples: Political speeches Advertisements A cover letter for your resume An essay urging readers to recycle

6 Writing to Entertain Narratives: stories. Have a beginning, middle, and end A story may have a lesson, but the author’s main purpose is to entertain. Examples of Writing to Entertain Harry Potter books Poems about love Narrative essay about the big game Script for a TV show

7 Is it a story, poem, or drama (script)? Entertain Yes No Does the text make arguments? Inform Persuade YesNo Does the text give facts? YesNo Start Over

8 Review Informative or expository writing provides factual information about a topic. Persuasive writing expresses an opinion (may use facts to support). All narratives are written to entertain, but so is poetry. Why is it so important to understand the difference?

9 What is the author’s purpose here? What happens if a reader misunderstands the purpose?

10 1 The story of a teenage boy learning to understand and live with his father, who is an alcoholic Vietnam war veteran.

11 2 A list of the 25 richest athletes in the world.

12 3 An article arguing why Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player ever.

13 4 An “X-men” comic book.

14 8 A poem about bald eagles.

15 6 A National Geographic article about the eating and breeding habits of the endangered bald eagle.

16 7 A website saying that a new shopping mall should not be built because it threatens an endangered bald eagle’s home. The website also lists other reasons why the mall should not be built.

17 Writing Prompt You will brainstorm a noun. Your noun can be: 1)A food 2)A musical artist 3)An animal You will then write three original short passages to illustrate persuade, inform, and entertain.

18 Pizza

19 Pizza is the most wonderful food. Not only does it combine bread, tomatoes, and cheese (three of the greatest foods ever created by man), it gives each pizza consumer the opportunity to add whatever toppings he or she finds the most appetizing. Pizza truly is the perfect food! To make pizza, first mix flour, yeast, and water. Allow the dough to rise for just over an hour. Knead the dough, then roll it out onto a baking sheet. Add tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and any other desired toppings. Cook at 415 F for 23 minutes. Pizza: A Haiku Brown, bubbly crust Golden, cheesy center melts My tongue is burning.



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