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Creative Writing This unit aims to: Model structured writing Look closely at literary techniques Tips for writing creatively.

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1 Creative Writing This unit aims to: Model structured writing Look closely at literary techniques Tips for writing creatively

2 Literary Techniques Literary techniques add substance to a story. They are vital in building tension, giving clues and developing the readers understanding of the story and its characters. When carefully used, literary techniques can make a short story thrilling, engaging and tense. Before starting to write, we will be looking closely at literary techniques and how they have been used in short stories to engage the reader.

3 Metaphors Saying something is something else. Her heart is gold. He is a riddle. What are the metaphors implying?

4 Imagery Imagery is the images that are created by the words used. Imagery is created by using descriptive language. Write two sentences to create the image of a playground at lunchtime. Choose an image of your own and write two descriptive sentences to describe it.

5 Tone Is the overall mood or atmosphere of the story or scenario within the story. Angry Scared Depressing Happy Content Tone can be created by: careful use of diction (word choice) punctuation ( ! … italics CAPS) and sentence structures (short sentences of long sentence)

6 Personification There are various types of personification Anthropomorphism: giving animals human qualities and emotions Pathetic Fallacy: giving the weather human emotions and qualities Personification: giving inanimate objects human emotions and qualities Write an example of each.

7 Symbolism An object, character, colour or animal that represents a greater idea or concept. What do you think the images below could symbolise?

8 Contrast Two contrasting images which can emphasise a point. Contrast is also known as juxtaposition. For example, a stanza in a poem might start with the imagery of a bright and sunny day; the next image might describe a dark and gloomy evening. This could emphasise a dark feeling in contrast to the first stanza and show the degree of the emotional fall of the author.

9 Motif A reoccurring act happening throughout a story. Motifs are usually used the communicate a theme or foreshadow something happening. For example, the sound of bells sounding throughout a book could foreshadow death of a character. The bells could be integrated into the story when describing the background noise of a character’s silent moment. Church bells could be ringing in the background. Another time the bell could occur could be a child ringing a bell on their bike in the street; soon after, a death would follow. Motifs are best used subtly and at now point would the character in the story acknowledge the link between the bell and death.

10 Narration Narration refers to who it is that is telling the story. The type of narration is very important as it can reveal or not reveal aspects of the story to the reader. The type of narration can allow for twists and add suspense. Before planning a story, think abut the type of narration you would use and why. There are a few types of narration: First person: told from the main character’s point of view. The secondary character: Someone who is close to the main character. Third person omniscient: knows everything about everyone and what they are thinking. Third person limited: only knows what the main character knows. Leave room from suspense and intrigue. The detached observer: only tells the story. Never uses ‘I’ or ‘me’ and is not in the story. The commentator: Tells the story and freely inserts their own opinion.

11 Read the story, ‘Death by Scrabble.’ Identify examples of literary devices within the story. Explain how the type of narrations has assisted the story. Briefly describe the structure. Death by Scrabble Charlie Fish

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