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Year 10 biology 2014 Miss Cisar. What to expect….. Areas/ Topics we will cover:  1. Classification of Living Things and the Structure and Function of.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 10 biology 2014 Miss Cisar. What to expect….. Areas/ Topics we will cover:  1. Classification of Living Things and the Structure and Function of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 10 biology 2014 Miss Cisar

2 What to expect….. Areas/ Topics we will cover:  1. Classification of Living Things and the Structure and Function of Plants and Animals  2. Genetics: Chromosomes and Inheritance  3. Bacterial, Fungal and Viral Disease  4. Evolution

3 My expectations  Come to class prepared  Come to class on time  Respect all members within the classroom  Respect the equipment  Hands up if you wish to contribute to the class ~mobile phones are to be turned off and out of sight unless you have been instructed to use them for class activities~

4 Bingo

5 Biology (Bios = life, Logos = the study of)  The study of life extends from the microscopic scale of the molecules and cells that make up organisms to the global scale of the entire living planet.  There are many different areas of study within biological study.

6 Different areas of study within biology Botany – study of plants Cytology – the study of cells Ecology – the study of the living organisms in an environment Physiology – how the body functions epidemiology – the study of diseases Genetics- the study of inheritance

7 And…. Entomology – the study of insects Genetics – the study of hereditary Histology- the study of tissue Ichthyology- the study of fish And there are many more………………..

8 An example of Biology while watching the clip note down examples that relate to Biology.

9 examples Histology- tissues within the brain, skin Cytology – cells magnified Genetics – baby in the womb

10 questions 1. Write a definition for Biology 2. List 4 different areas of study within biology 3. Look at the picture of Lleyton Hewitt and list how the following might effect his tennis match. - Genetics - His physiology (how his body Functions)

11 Classification (topic 1)  As humans we like to group things.  In Biology we call the classification of organisms Taxonomy.  Why classify?  With there being more then 8 million different types of organisms classification can help us to identify different organisms and their relationships they have with other organisms.

12 Task

13 How did you classify your canteen list? Why did you do it this way?

14 Living vs. nonliving This activity should take you about five to ten minutes. What makes living things different from non-living things? Look at Figure 1. Look at the living and non-living things which you can see in the picture. Answer these questions in your notebook. 1 List three different living things which you can see in Figure 1. 2 List five different non-living things which you can see in Figure 1.

15 Living vs. non living  One of the first things we must do is classify organisms into living and non living.

16 Characteristics of living things  To be considered living an organism must have all of the following characteristics M – Movement R – Respiration S- Senses C- Cells G- Growth R- Reproduction E- Excretion N- Nutrients  To be considered dead it means an organism once showed those characteristics but doesn’t any more  To be considered non-living they don’t show or never have shown the characteristics.

17 Movement  All organisms move. Some organisms, mainly animals, are very active and can move from place to place. The movements of others are so slow they are hardly noticeable

18 Respiration  all organisms need energy to stay alive. They get this energy from their food. Respiration is the name given to the complicated chemical process by which living cells release the energy stored in food.

19 Senses  Is the organisms ability to notice changes taking place around it and to react to them. Animals tend to be very sensitive, this is vital if they are to find food, escape danger, etc.

20 Cells  Living organisms are made up of cells.

21 Growth  At some stage in their lives organisms will all grow. As organisms grow, they tend to change and develop as well as grow larger.

22 Reproduction All organisms eventually die. Successful reproduction make sure that the species does not die out.

23 Excretion  Living cells perform a large number of different chemical reactions. These processes together make up the organism’s metabolism. Excretion is the removal of waste substances formed during metabolism.

24 Nutrients  All organisms need food for energy, growth and repair. Some organisms, mainly green plants can make their own food these organisms are known as autotrophs. The other organisms such as humans are known as heterotrophs, stay alive by feeding on other organisms (such as plants or other animals)

25 Question time

26 Where from here  Classification

27 What we learnt today Exit pass 1. Two things you learnt 2. One question about the class 3. By the end of this semester what would you like to have achieved in this class?

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