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International Business I Prepared by:NOR DIANA AMERI (2011228168)

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1 International Business I Prepared by:NOR DIANA AMERI (2011228168)

2 Exporting Send a firm’s products or services to international destinations. Indirect: without the firm’s ultimate involvement Cost  CEM (ads), MEA (no ads, own name) Direct: Import without intermediaries  Export department. Export Sales Subsidiary END

3 Countertrade Arrangements in which the flow of goods and services in both directions is the core of the transaction. Pure Barter: acceptance of goods or services as payment. (sugar for oil) Swith trading: three or more countries. Counterpurchase: Country A exports to Country B in return promises to spend some or all of the receipts on imports from B. No details, specific time (2 or 3 years) Buyback: requires a company to provide machinery, factories, or technology and to buy products made from this machinery over an agreed period. Offset: a foreign supplier is required to manufacture/ assemble the product locally and/or purchase local components as an exchange for the right to sell its products locally.

4 Contract manufacturing Contractual agreement between a company and a foreign producer under which the foreign producer manufactures the company’s product. The company controls promotion and distribution. Pharmaceutical industry.

5 Licensing In this agreement, the international company, the licensor, agrees to make available to another company abroad, the licensee, use of its: Patents and trademarks Manufacturing process Know-how Trade secrets Managerial and technical services.

6 Franchising Is a form of licensing. Transfer of technology, business system, brand name, trademark and other property rights. Franchisor: developed the business, lends the names and brands. Franchisee: buys the rights (fees or royalties) to operate the business under the name of the franchisor.

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