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Early Childhood Education PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 1.

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1 Early Childhood Education PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 1

2 Security develops as infants are held and cuddled in an exclusive relationship with the mother. In bottle feeding, someone else can substitute for the mother. The temptation is greater to prop the bottle in place while the parent does something else. PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 /breastfeeding_awareness___support/bfh/bf_tabbed_template_test/legislation.html

3 Breast milk sooths infants’ intestines, while cow’s milk (in formula) can be an irritant. Breast milk also contains chemicals that soothe infants, and endorphins that can suppress pain PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010

4 The amount of sucking the infant does determines the amount of milk produced PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010

5 Breast milk contains an enzyme that aids in digestion, It also forms softer curds in an infant’s stomach that cow’s milk (which many formulas are based on). Virtually all the protein in breast milk is readily available to the infant, compared to about half of cow’s milk. PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010

6 It’s designed to build up the brain, and promote gradual physical growth. Breast milk is less likely to cause allergic reactions. It is specifically for humans. PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010

7 Infant has a poor suckling reflex (common in premature infants). Mom has tried to breastfeed but has had difficulty. Infant must be separated from mother for a long period of time (for medical reasons, for example). Mom returned to work. Mom has a health problem that requires medication that shouldn’t be given to the nursing PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010

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