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Forest Carbon Calculator Forest Carbon Reporting Initiative of USAID’s Global Climate Change Program Nancy Harris, Winrock International Sandra Brown,

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Presentation on theme: "Forest Carbon Calculator Forest Carbon Reporting Initiative of USAID’s Global Climate Change Program Nancy Harris, Winrock International Sandra Brown,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Forest Carbon Calculator Forest Carbon Reporting Initiative of USAID’s Global Climate Change Program Nancy Harris, Winrock International Sandra Brown, Winrock International Patrick Smith, USAID

2 Land Use and Climate Change  Land use change is responsible for approximately 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions, mostly in tropical regions  Carbon stored in forests is emitted to the atmosphere as CO 2 when cleared for other land uses  Reducing deforestation/degradation and increasing forest cover are some potential options for mitigating climate change

3 USAID’s Forest Projects Latin America and the Caribbean Asia and the Middle East Europe and Eurasia Africa

4 Purpose and Scope of Forest Carbon Calculator  Allows USAID to calculate and report the climate impacts of its forestry projects worldwide (in tons of CO 2 e) on an annual basis  Allows calculation of a quantitative indicator of how USAID’s forestry projects are helping to mitigate climate change  Simple, web-based, easy-to-use tool  Does NOT generate estimates of marketable carbon credits!

5 Which activities are included?  Forest Protection Against Deforestation Illegal logging Fire  Forest Management Reduced Impact Logging Stop logging  Afforestation / Reforestation Plant native species Plantations  Agroforestry

6 How are CO 2 benefits calculated? Activity Data  “Data on the magnitude of human activity…taking place during a given period of time” --IPCC “2% of Indonesia’s forests cleared each year” “Native species restoration planned for 2,000 hectares in 2010” Emission/Removal Factors  “The average emission rate of a given greenhouse gas…relative to units of activity” --IPCC 550 t CO 2 per hectare of forest cleared 20 t CO 2 sequestered per year on every hectare of trees planted x

7 How are CO 2 benefits calculated?  LEVEL A Simplest level Minimal data input required Spatially refined default databases developed for each calculator  LEVEL B Project-specific User can override default values Final result tailored to specific project location

8 Understanding ‘Admin Units’  Calculators were designed to function at a sub- national scale (state, province, district, etc.)  Each administrative unit has a unique, spatially averaged profile of default values  User can select one or many administrative units  Default values do NOT represent values for a given point on the landscape!

9 1. Forest Protection Tool Illegal Logging Forest Fires Deforestation for another land use + Foregone Sequestration CO 2 ++ Wood products - Timber Extraction -Incidental Damage

10 Rate of Deforestation  Satellite imagery detects forest loss between 2000 and 2005 Landsat data used where available (30-m resolution) Global-scale MODIS data everywhere else

11 New benchmark map of tropical forest carbon stocks

12 2. Forest Management Tool -Roads -Skid trails -Landing decks Stop logging Change to RIL

13 Volume of timber extracted -Roads -Skid trails -Landing decks Country data reported to FAO Consultant reports Expert analysis

14 Incidental damage from timber extraction -Roads -Skid trails -Landing decks

15 Carbon impacts of logging infrastructure  Literature Review  Consultant Reports  Field data -Roads -Skid trails -Landing decks

16 3. Afforestation/Reforestation Calculator Biomass accumulates in aboveground vegetation over time. Belowground biomass is estimated as a proportion of aboveground biomass. CO 2

17 How quickly do trees grow?  Rate of carbon accumulation in biomass is based on the project location and the species planted  IPCC defaults for native species, pine, teak, eucalyptus  Ranges from ~2 to 60 t CO 2 ha -1 yr -1

18 4. Agroforestry Calculator  Extremely variable systems  Biomass accumulation varies by climate type Data points based on literature review for agroforests

19 How quickly do trees grow? Site QualityStand DensityGrowth Habit FastMediumSlowGoodFairPoor >400200-400<200 ++ Each factor is weighted and an overall C accumulation curve is developed for the agroforestry practice =(0.33*CP SQ )+(0.33*CP GH )+(0.33*CP SD )

20 Calculator has four easy steps:  Step 1: Add project and select group  Step 2: Select activity and location  Step 3: Enter project data  Step 4: View Results

21 Step 1: Adding Project and Selecting Group: *Select “no group” if you have not yet been assigned to a group

22 Step 2:Activity and Location Location can be typed or selected on map

23 1. Select Region 2. Select Country 3. Select Admin Unit(s) Selecting your project location is easy as 1-2-3: Location from Map

24 Step 3: Level A Rate the project’s “management effectiveness”

25 Level B

26 Step 4:


28 Future Enhancements:  Updates to key data, expand A/R and agroforestry databases  Context Relevant Video Help  Generate Printable Reports (default + custom versions)  Additional calculators: Agricultural management Fuelwood substitution  Project planning tools Calculating future targets Scenario comparison

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