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The Spine and Abdomen Sports Medicine 2. The Spine Anatomy: – Cervical Spine - 7 – Thoracic Spine - 12 – Lumbar Spine -5 – Sacrum –5 fused vertebrae –

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1 The Spine and Abdomen Sports Medicine 2

2 The Spine Anatomy: – Cervical Spine - 7 – Thoracic Spine - 12 – Lumbar Spine -5 – Sacrum –5 fused vertebrae – Coccyx – 4 or more fused vertebrae


4 Curves of the spine Lordosis – curve of the spine where the curve of the spine is posterior – Cervical and Lumbar Kyphosis – curve of the spine where the curve is anterior - Thoracic Scoliosis – Deviation of the spine to one side or the other


6 Cervical Fractures MOI: Relatively uncommon is athletics – Flexion of neck and Axial loading (force on top of head) S/S: Neck point tenderness, restricted movement, muscle spasm, pain in chest or extremities, numbness in trunk or extremities, weakness or paralysis, and loss of bladder and bowel control TX: Medical emergency, Don’t move (unless not breathing or in danger), Spine board, possible surgery or halo ST: palpation, history


8 Cervical Dilocations MOI: More common in sports that fx – Violent flexion and rotation of head S/S: Same as fracture TX: More likely to cause damage to spinal cord that fx…Same care ST: palpation and history

9 Neck and back Strain MOI: Suddenly turned head or forced flexion S/S: Localized pain, point tenderness, restricted motion TX: RICE, ROM exercises, and strengthening exercises

10 Cervical Sprain AKA: Whiplash MOI: Sudden snap of head S/S: same as strain but last longer TX: Dr. referral to rule out fx, Collar, traction

11 Acute Torticollis AKA: wryneck or stiff neck MOI: holding head in unusual position for a long time (sleeping) S/S: Point tenderness, muscle spasm TX: joint mobilizations, traction, massage

12 Spinal Stenosis MOI: Narrowing of spinal canal – Can be congenital or because of bone spurs, or disc bulges S/S: transcient quadriplegia, or nothing at all TX: diagnostic testing, may not be cleared to participate

13 Brachial Plexus Neurapraxia (burner/stinger) MOI: Stretching or compression of brachial plexus S/S: pain, weakness, numbness, tingling TX: Strengthening exercises, brace ST: history

14 Herniated disk MOI: Chronic or acute – Overuse, sudden forced flexion or extension S/S: radiating pain on unilateral side TX: modalities, Ice, traction

15 Abdomen Anatomy – Ribs, sternum Muscles – external intercostals, internal intercostals, abs ***Protection of vital organs

16 Rib Contusions MOI: Blow to rib cage S/S: Pain during breathing, point tenderness, pain on compression of rib cage TX: RICE ST: Compression

17 Rib Fractures MOI: Direct blow S/S: sever pain during breathing, deformity, palpation TX: Dr. referral, support and rest

18 Sternum Fracture MOI: High impact blow S/S: point tenderness, localized swelling TX: Dr. referral Protects what?

19 Lung injuries Pneumothorax- pleural cavity (which surrounds lungs) fills with air. Because of opening in chest. Puts pressure on lungs not allowing them to expand. S/S difficulty breathing Hemothorax- pleural cavity fills with blood. Caused by puncture lung. Same syptoms.


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