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S11120873 MICHael lagi henry. Introduction  Severe Tropical Cyclone Pam of 2015 is regarded as one of the worst natural disaster in the history of Vanuatu.

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Presentation on theme: "S11120873 MICHael lagi henry. Introduction  Severe Tropical Cyclone Pam of 2015 is regarded as one of the worst natural disaster in the history of Vanuatu."— Presentation transcript:

1 S11120873 MICHael lagi henry

2 Introduction  Severe Tropical Cyclone Pam of 2015 is regarded as one of the worst natural disaster in the history of Vanuatu. A total of 15–16 people lost their lives either directly or indirectly as a result of Pam with many others injured. The storm's impacts were also felt to other islands in the South Pacific, most notably the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, and New Zealand. Pam is the second most intense storm of the South Pacific Ocean according to pressure, after Cyclone Zoe of 2002. Pam is also the third most intense storm in the Southern Hemisphere by the same metric, only after Cyclone Zoe of 2002 and Gafilo in 2004.

3 Overview Of The Cyclone  Pam had the highest 10-minute sustained wind speed of any South Pacific Tropical cyclone, it is tied with Cyclone Orson and Cyclone Monica for having the strongest winds of any cyclone in the Southern Hemisphere.  The Christian Children's Fund of Canada reported that wind gusts reached as high as 320 km/h, and thousands of homes, schools and buildings were damaged or destroyed, with an estimated 3,300 people displaced as a result.  Pam had a Category 5 cyclone status

4 Statistics of the Damages  Fatalities: 15–16 total.  Damage: $250 million (2015 USD).  Areas affected: Fiji, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, New Caledonia and New Zealand.  Highest winds: 10 minutes it sustained 250km/h (155mph) and for every 1 minute it sustained 270km/h (165mph).

5 Lessons Learned from the Disaster  Villagers in Vanuatu buried food and fresh water as one of the strongest storms on record bore down on them.  They fled to churches, schools and even coconut drying kilns as 186mph winds and massive seas tore their flimsy houses to the ground.  They learned that the infrastructure they had in place was not cyclone proof.  They are now aware to deal with cyclones based on their experiences with Pam.

6 How can we be better prepared for a cyclone  Check with your local council or your building control authority to see if your home has been built to cyclone standards.  Check that the walls, roof and eaves of your home are secure.  Trim treetops and branches well clear of your home (get council permission).  Preferably fit shutters, or at least metal screens, to all glass areas.  Clear your property of loose material that could blow about and possibly cause injury or damage during extreme winds.  Store water and canned stuffs.

7 What to do during a disaster  Look for a safe place to stay.  Fortify your existing residence with hurricane shutters.  Go under a strong table or bed if you know the roof of your house is about to fly away.  Stay indoors and wait for instructions.

8 Associated Hazards After the Disaster  Downed power lines.  Dirty water.  Damaged infrastructure e.g. bridges, roads etc.  People were injured.  People were homeless.  Shortage of food and clean and safe drinking water.

9 Conclusion  To conclude, the cyclone in Vanuatu was a devastatingly terrible experience. Looking back however, the cyclone has provided a necessary learning platform for the islands of the Pacific to prepare themselves should another cyclone of Pams magnitude devastate the region. Vanuatu’s experience has shown us that it is always better to be ready than to be caught off guard.

10 References  "Cyclone Pam." The Guardian”, 9 Apr. 2015. Web. 27 May 2015..  "Cyclone Pam: Vanuatu Islanders Forced to Drink Saltwater - BBC News." BBC News. Web. 26 May 2015..  The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, Web. 26 May 2015..  "Cyclone Pam: Vanuatu Direct Hit (RECAP)." The Weather Channel. Web. 26 May 2015..  "Dozens Dead after Cyclone Pam Rips through Vanuatu." Mirror. N.p., 14 Mar. 2015. Web. 26 May 2015..

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