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Campus Turnaround Plan Webinar JANUARY 25, 2016 TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY.

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Presentation on theme: "Campus Turnaround Plan Webinar JANUARY 25, 2016 TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Campus Turnaround Plan Webinar JANUARY 25, 2016 TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY

2 Overview  Timeline  Template  Parent and Community Input and Feedback  Guidance and Resources

3 Questions/Discussion Email:

4 Timeline




8 Template






14 Turnaround Planning: Parent and Community Input and Written Feedback

15 Parent and Community Engagement in Turnaround Planning Process Seek stakeholder input on developing plan Develop plan Solicit written feedback from stakeholders Public hearing and board of trustees approval


17 Input Prior to DevelopmentFeedback After Development Notification Stakeholders Mode Submit to Agency

18 Notification Requirements  At minimum on district website  Posted for at least 30 school days  For spring 2016 – must be posted by February 19, 2016

19 Notification Requirements  At a minimum contain:  Rating and number of consecutive years IR  Acknowledge parents and community have opportunity to provide input in development  All the ways they may provide input  Dates and location of any public meetings  Timeframes for providing input

20 Input on Development of Plan  Parents and community in providing input, share  Concerns  Areas that need improvement  Possible solutions  Ideas for campus improvement

21 Input Prior to DevelopmentFeedback After Development NotificationAt minimum on district website and posted for 30 days StakeholdersParents, community Mode Submit to Agency

22 Methods to Provide Input  District can use any or a combination of:  Online forms/virtual submission  Public meetings  Hard copy forms available at campus/district office

23 Input Method Documentation  Districts must maintain documentation of input opportunities  Maintain it for length of implementation of turnaround plan  Not required to automatically submit to agency  Agency may request if needed

24 Public Meeting Documentation Requirements  Notification and means of dissemination  Agenda  Sign-in sheets  Materials, handouts, PowerPoints used  Minutes from meeting capturing stakeholder feedback  Any written comments received from stakeholders

25 Input Prior to DevelopmentFeedback After Development NotificationAt minimum on district website and posted for 30 days StakeholdersParents, community ModeOral or written Submit to Agency Not required. Must maintain documentation of opportunities and actual input for length of turnaround plan implementation.

26 Written Comments on Developed Turnaround Plan  After plan is developed, the following stakeholders have opportunity to provide written comments:  Chapter 11 campus-based committee  Campuses that do not have committee  Teachers  Parents  Community

27 Any or combination of following ways  Post plan on campus and district website for 15 days and collect comments virtually (i.e. online form; email)  Public meeting and written comments collected  Hard copies of plan at campus and district offices and forms for written comment Must maintain documentation of communication methods Methods to Solicit Written Feedback

28 Input Prior to DevelopmentFeedback After Development NotificationAt minimum on district website and posted for 30 days Not specified, but must maintain documentation of opportunity for duration of turnaround plan implementation StakeholdersParents, communityCampus-based decision making committee, teachers, parents, and community ModeOral or written Submit to Agency Not required. Must maintain documentation of opportunities and actual input for length of turnaround plan implementation.

29 Public Meeting Documentation  Notification and means of dissemination  Agenda  Sign-in sheets  Materials, handouts, PowerPoints used  Minutes from meeting capturing stakeholder feedback  Any written comments received from stakeholders

30 Written Feedback  IS submitted to agency  Same time turnaround plan is submitted  Must also go to board of trustees as part of approval process  Must be collected at least one week prior to meeting for board approval  May need to be earlier to meet local operating procedures

31 Input Prior to DevelopmentFeedback After Development NotificationAt minimum on district website and posted for 30 days Not specified, but must maintain documentation of opportunity for duration of turnaround plan implementation StakeholdersParents, communityCampus-based decision making committee, teachers, parents, and community ModeOral or writtenWritten Submit to Agency Not required. Must maintain documentation of opportunities and actual input for length of turnaround plan implementation. Yes, submit with turnaround plan via ISAM.

32 No Written Feedback  Submit statement to agency  No written feedback received  Summary of method(s) district solicited written feedback  Can submit documentation for method and communication as noted in guidance  Also provide to board of trustees as part of approval process

33 Attestation Statements



36 Guidance and Resources

37 http://tea.texas. gov/pmi/

38 Campus Turnaround Plan resources and guidance documents have been posted to the website in several places Accountability Monitoring

39 Campus Turnaround Plan resources and guidance documents have been posted to the website in several places Campus Turnaround Guidance & Resources



42 Released in February



45 Information Sessions  Webinar – January 25 th  Will be recorded  Email box:  February 22 nd  Board approval  Training follow-up  Question and Answers

46 Questions/Discussion Email:

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