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Please turn off mobile phones. School Organisation Review Public Consultation.

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Presentation on theme: "Please turn off mobile phones. School Organisation Review Public Consultation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please turn off mobile phones

2 School Organisation Review Public Consultation

3 Introductions Welcome Housekeeping – fire exits etc Introduction to speakers

4 Format for the Meeting Why we are consulting? What are the options? Advantages and disadvantages Why are we proposing change? Questions and Comments from the floor

5 Why we are consulting? The need to be certain of the future school structure in order to release BSF funding The need to raise standards particularly at GCSE

6 Standards Key Stage 1 Reading 2+

7 Key Stage 1 Writing 2+

8 Key Stage 1 Mathematics 2+

9 Standards at Key Stage 2 Level 4+ English and Mathematics

10 Standards at GCSE 5 or more A* to C

11 Standards at GCSE 5 or more A* to C (including English and Mathematics)

12 What are the options? Retention of the current three tier system of lower, middle and upper schools Change to a two tier primary and secondary model There is the opportunity for other options to come out of the consultation

13 Advantages of keeping the three tier system It is the system local people feel comfortable with and know best It would avoid the need for reorganisation Middle schools are perceived to provide good pastoral care during adolescence Middle schools can offer earlier access to specialist subjects Middle schools provide a transition between small lower schools and larger upper schools

14 Disadvantages of keeping the three tier system There are two transfers Both transfers are during Key Stages The transfer at 13 leaves little time to make informed GCSE options The number of middle schools is declining nationally. This causes concerns for recruitment BSF funding will be spread more thinly

15 Advantages of a two tier system Most children would only transfer school once and the transfer will be at the end of Key Stage 2, so links to the national curriculum Transfer at 11 gives more time for informed choices about 14 to 19 education Children would also stay longer in their primary schools so greater continuity BSF funding will be targeted on 8 rather than 22 mainstream schools so will have a greater impact

16 Disadvantages of a two tier system Larger schools may be seen to be more impersonal The need for a significant reorganisation Loss of the middle schools Cost – BSF would meet the cost of creating secondary schools but the net cost of creating primary schools may be up to £30m

17 Why are we proposing change? Standards – there is significant underperformance in Bedford schools. We believe that the structure may be a major factor in this We believe that the three tier structure may no longer be fit for purpose and that BSF funding gives the opportunity to address this issue

18 What would a two tier model look like? All existing lower schools would become 4 to 11 primary schools All existing upper schools would become 11 to 18 secondary schools Some middle school sites may be used for primary or secondary schools

19 Timescale for Consultation Consultation period started20 May 2009 Consultation period ends24 July 2009 Executive considers responses16 Sep 2009

20 If a decision is taken to change Statutory notices publishedOctober 2009 Statutory notice period ends December 2009 Executive takes final decisionsJanuary 2010

21 Questions?

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