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1) The size of the Domain name system. 2) The main components of the Domain Naming System operation. 3) The function of the Domain Naming System. 4)Legislation.

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Presentation on theme: "1) The size of the Domain name system. 2) The main components of the Domain Naming System operation. 3) The function of the Domain Naming System. 4)Legislation."— Presentation transcript:


2 1) The size of the Domain name system. 2) The main components of the Domain Naming System operation. 3) The function of the Domain Naming System. 4)Legislation that effected the Domain Naming System. 5) Limitation of the operation Domain Naming system.

3 The main DNS function is to read a basic sites i.e., and translate it into an IP address, such as 110.900.811 and via versa. In simply terms its like a lookup facility for a computer you just type in the address in the search bar and it process it.

4 Technically speaking there is no specific size for a DNS, you can not put a size on something like a DNS. It is usually explained by measuring the IP size. For example IPv4 has 36 bytes and the IPv6 has 128 bytes. In this sense we can explain the capacity of the internet protocol never the size of the DNS because the DNS is a program that cannot exist as having a memory. ( How Domain Name Servers Work, 2000 )

5 1) The Name space 2) The Name Server 3) The Resolver ( DNS components, 2011 )

6 The DNS Namespace is an inverted hierarchical tree structure. Starting from the top-Level where we have a root zone consisting of an unnamed root level and top level domain (TLD). Then you get the second Level domain name ( which are registered to a website) Then the Sub-domains are formed from the Second-level domain e.g. (DNS domain names, 2005 )

7 An example of a DNS Namespace is Domain name has different levels separated a dot. has two separate levels YouTube and com. Com is a Top-level domain ( TLD) and YouTube is the second- level domain. Figure below shows a detailed Namespace tree.


9 Name server Is the part in the DNS which maps how domain addresses queries to be translated. There are two types: Authoritative Name Server : Gives the result when the DNS query is made. There are two kinds of name servers within this catergorary - Master Server and a Slave Server. The Master server does the query lookups for the website and the slave server duplicates the task of the master server. (Domain Name System, 2011 )

10 Recursive and caching name server, is like an Authoritative Name server. It acts like an library by storing certain DNS queries for a specific amount of time and usually give a faster and answer than a Authoritative server. (Domain Name System, 2011 )

11 Final component of the DNS, it transform domain names into IP addresses and back again. Are the part of the DNS clients that make contact with the DNS servers and make the query to obtain the Resource Record information. The query is usually answered by a name server, if not it is then answered by a root server. (Domain Name System, 2011 )

12 In the early 1982 the DNS was discovered it works like a lookup facility for the internet like a address book some might say. Its Main function was to read human readable text such as and translate it into an IP (Internet Protocol ) addresses such as 40.0896.87 and via versa. In other terms internet cannot really exist without a DNS because humans would find it hard on themselves to memorize IP addresses.

13 Computer Misuse Act 1990 this acts states anyone found trying to access another computers data with no authorization to do so, or has access to do something offensive with someone's data falls under the computer miss act. ( Computer Misuse Act, 1990 )

14 Cyber crime has many meanings one of the simple term is hacking into someone else's computer, and gaining access to this personal information. They then can use there information to manipulate them or steal their finances and life savings Some things that a hacker or a cyber crime might get is to get his hand on their private pictures and Childs pornography. (cyber crime today, 2011 )

15 DNS has no limitation per say. What affect the DNS is the limited numbers of IP addresses to translate the data, an example of that is the IPv4 which is made up of 32 bit-addressing, IPv6 which is made up of 128 bit – addressing. The fact is that IPv6 supports larger numbers of IP addresses and also allows the use of numerical characters in the addresses makes it a better then IPv4. ( IPv6, 2011 )

16 In conclusion the DNS is such a vast topic. Which after research has a lot to look forward to and I reckon in the far future DNS will undergo a lot of changes and fixture. It has a lot of faults but its can improve a lot and make a bigger impact on the internet world. Hopefully in the future it can be more reliable and less faulty and therefore be a safer place for users.

17 1. 2011, December 22. "Domain Name System" for Wikipedia. - 2. Brain, M. & Crawford, S. 2000, April 1. "How Domain Name Servers Work" for How stuff works - 3. Murphy, K. Will DNSSEC kill your internet? 2010. 4. UK Student Hacker Gets Suspended Jail Sentence Over Malware Scam. 2011. Spamfighter. 16217-UK-Student-Hacker-Gets-Suspended-Jail-Sentence-Over- Malware-Scam.htm 16217-UK-Student-Hacker-Gets-Suspended-Jail-Sentence-Over- Malware-Scam.htm 5. 2011 November 5 propagation/ propagation/

18 6. Norton. (2011). Cybercrime Report 2011, Retrieved December 23, 2011, from Symantec's website: tml/cybercrimereport/ tml/cybercrimereport/ 7. A, Mark. (2011). Domain Name Service tdns.html tdns.html 8. IPv6, 2011. 9. 2010 December 3 Cyber attack forces Wiki leaks to change web address

19 10. 2005, January 21. DNS domain names us/library/cc737203(WS.10).aspx us/library/cc737203(WS.10).aspx 11.1990, June 29. Computer Misuse Act.1990 12. 2011, February 20. cyber crime today today.html 13.2000, Domain Name system (DNS) history 14. 2012, January 3. IPv4

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