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1 Knowing what are the current trends and new technologies that relate to a business can help an you anticipate and prepare for the future. Having this.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Knowing what are the current trends and new technologies that relate to a business can help an you anticipate and prepare for the future. Having this."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Knowing what are the current trends and new technologies that relate to a business can help an you anticipate and prepare for the future. Having this knowledge can protect you against sudden and fatal market dips. Business Trends

2 2 Trends Shaping Our Future Larger population Living Longer Global integration Technological domination Precious time Alternative energy sources Other Trends….

3 3 Larger population Potential business impact: Global agriculture will be required to supply as much food as has been produced during all of human history to meet needs over the next 40 years Developed nations will find that retirees will have to remain on the job to remain competitive Developed nations will begin to increase immigration limits

4 4 Potential business impact: Global demand for elderly products and services will grow quickly in the coming decades The cost of health care is destined to skyrocket Pharmaceutical companies will be pushed for advances in geriatric medicine Living longer

5 5 Global integration International outsourcing is on the rise The European Union has relaxed its borders and capital controls Internet users numbered about 500 million worldwide in 2003, Internet users are growing by 6% monthly Potential business impact: Demand for personnel in distant countries will increase the need for foreign language training and employee incentives suited to other cultures E-business and the Internet will reduce the cost of doing business The Internet will allow small companies to compete with worldwide giants with relatively little investment

6 6 Technological domination Computers are becoming a part of our environment Personal robots have already appeared in our homes Potential business impact: New technologies provide dozens of new opportunities to create businesses and jobs Automation will continue to decrease the cost of products and services, making it possible to reduce prices while improving profits Demand for scientists, engineers, and technicians will continue to grow

7 7 Precious time U.K. workers spend 10% more time on the job than they did a decade ago This high-pressured environment is increasing the need for any product or service that saves time or simplifies life Potential business impact: Companies must take an active role in helping their employees balance their work and lives Stress-related problems affecting employee morale and wellness will continue to grow Use of the Internet will continue to grow as the time to perform activities, such as shopping at a mall, evaporates

8 8 Alternative Energy Sources Wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, solar, and other alternative energy sources will account for 30 percent of all energy use More people are recycling Potential business impact: China, India, South America, and Russia are modernizing their economies, which increases their needs for energy Cost of alternative energy sources is decreasing Oil will not remain the world’s most important energy source

9 Other Trends…… Households and families. E.g. Moving in before marriage, Gay marriage, adopting, etc.... Education. E.g. More and more are getting GCSEs Labour Markets. E.g. Increase in flexible working hours Traveling to work. E.g. Longer commutes to work Ethical Trends. E.g. Carbon footprint, sources of timber, child labour, animal welfare

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