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April 15 th  List at least 3 ways to prevent birth defects.

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Presentation on theme: "April 15 th  List at least 3 ways to prevent birth defects."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 15 th  List at least 3 ways to prevent birth defects

2 Pre-Natal Development BABY Zygote Embryo Fetus

3 9 months in 9 seconds

4 How do you know if you’re pregnant?

5 Signs & Symptoms of Pregnancy  1. Missed menstrual period  2. Fuller and more tender breasts  3. Nausea or morning sickness  4. Fatigue  5. Sensitivity to particular odors  6.Increased urination  7. Moodiness

6 Prenatal Baby Development  Development of the baby during the period before birth.  Development in three stages Zygote—first 2 weeks of pregnancy Embryo—3 rd -8 th week of development Fetus—8 th week till delivery

7 How is Prenatal Development Measured?  Prenatal Period lasts 40 weeks Is measured from the last menstrual period  Broken up into 3 trimesters Each trimester is about 13 weeks, or 3 months

8 First Trimester Weeks 1-12, Months 1-3

9 Summary of First Trimester Greatest risk for birth defects Signs and symptoms of pregnancy are more likely to occur.  morning sickness The majority of the physical development occurs  every physical feature and vital organs form There is small maternal weight gain.

10 The Zygote—Month 1  Cell multiplication begins  Internal organs and circulatory system begins to form.  At the end of two weeks the zygote is the size of a pin-head  Heart begins to beat 3 weeks & 1 day after fertilization  Small bumps show the beginnings of arms and legs

11 Parts of the Zygote

12 4 Weeks

13 The Embryo—Month 2  At 5 weeks the embryo is ¼ inch long  All major organ systems develop  Face and limbs take shape

14 Month 2  Webbed fingers and toes develop 7 weeks8 weeks

15 Embryo

16 The Embryo—Month 2  The placenta and Umbilical Cord develop Placenta- The tissue that connects the sac around the unborn baby to the mother ’ s uterus Umbilical Cord- Tube that connects the baby to the placenta  Brings the baby nourishment and oxygen from the mother ’ s blood  Takes away waster products Amniotic Sac  Holds the amniotic fluid and surrounds the baby Amniotic fluid  Gaurds against jolts and keeps constant temperature

17 Two Months

18 Month 2  This is when signs and symptoms of pregnancy usually become apparent  First trimester has the worst symptoms

19 The Fetus—Month 3  The fetus is about 1 inch long  Nostrils, mouth, lips, teeth buds, and eyelids form  Eyelids are fused shut  Arms, legs, fingers, and toes have developed  All internal organs are present—but aren ’ t ready to function

20 3 Months

21 Fingers & toes no longer webbed 11 Weeks 12 Weeks

22 The Fetus—Month 3  The genital organs can be recognized as male or female Can tell as early as 12 weeks Most doctors give the ultrasound at 18-20 weeks

23 Second Trimester Physically the easiest trimester for the mom Weeks 13-26, Months 4-6

24 Second Trimester Overview Quickening (slight fetal movements felt by the mother) occurs usually during the 5 th month. Increased organ development. Physically the easiest trimester on the mom.

25 Fourth Month for Mom  Body is adjusted to pregnancy.  Increased appetite.  May feel first kick  Gained 2-4 lbs.  Clothes fitting snug.

26 Fourth Month for Baby  Bones harden.  Actively moving.  Lower parts of body grow rapidly.  Sex organs fully formed.  Heartbeat detected.  3-6 inches 5 oz.

27 Fifth Month for Mom  Mild back-aches.  Size change is obvious to others.  Hears heart beat.  Ultrasound. (18-20 wks)  Feels movement (quickening)  Gains 5-8 lbs.

28 Fifth Month for Baby  Lanugo - hair.  Vernix – waxy substance  Ears and nose develop cartilage.  Finger and toe nails.  Can suck thumb, hiccup, and kick.  12 inches 14 oz.

29 Smallest baby in the world born At just 22 weeks  She was 10 OUNCES when born and 9.5 inches. That's just longer than the length of your hand. She weighed less than a can of soda! Her little feet

30 Sixth Month for Mom  Increased need for sleep.  Gained 10-12 lbs.

31 Sixth Month for Baby  Eyes and eyelids fully formed.  Fat developing under skin.  Practices breathing movements.  Can hear sounds  14 inches 2 pounds

32 Third Trimester Most Physically demanding for mom Weeks 27-40, Months 7-9

33 End of Third Trimester  Most difficult for mom.  Baby gains weight rapidly.  Lanugo & Vernix start to shed  Antibodies—last month  Lightening

34 Seventh Month for Mom  Affects posture.  Leg cramps.  Back-aches.  Waddling.  Gains 12-15 pounds.

35 Seventh Month for Baby  Brain developing rapidly.  Inhales amniotic fluid to develop lungs.  Gaining lots of weight.  Vision, hearing, taste, and touch  17 inches 3 pounds

36 Eighth Month for Mom  Heartburn.  Difficulty breathing.  Multiple small meals.  Increased urination.  Back, leg and muscle aches.  Gains 15-20 pounds.

37 Eighth Month for Baby  Fat is stored for later use.  Fingernails reach beyond fingertips.  Rapid growth.  Sheds vernix & lanugo.  Head down  17 inches 5 pounds

38 Ninth Month for Mom  Baby drops into pelvis.  Contractions.  Gains 20-30 pounds.  Gives birth!!!!

39 Ninth Month for Baby  Organ system fully functional.  Antibodies from mother’s blood  Vernix covers body.  Lightening: settles into pelvis (head down)  21 inches 7 pounds

40 Welcome to the World!

41 Fun FACTs!

42 When the Due Date? A.Determine the 1 st day of the mothers last period. B.Count back 3 months C.Add 7 days

43 What is the due date? May 11 th February 18 th January 5th October 12 th

44 Weight Gain  you should gain about 2 to 4 pounds during the first three months you're pregnant and 1 pound a week during the rest of your pregnancy.  Total normal weight gain: 25-35 lbs

45 Baby: 8 pounds Placenta: 2-3 pounds Amniotic fluid: 2-3 pounds Breast tissue: 2-3 pounds Blood supply: 4 pounds Stored fat for delivery and breastfeeding: 5-9 pounds Larger uterus: 2-5 pounds Total: 25-35 pounds Where does the extra weight go? Source: WebMD

46 Problems in Pregnancy Toxemia, Ectopic Pregnancy, Stillborn, & Miscarriage

47 Toxemia  A sharp rise in blood pressure  Edema (swelling) of the hands, feet, and face.  Most common complication of pregnancy. It affects about 5% of pregnancies  Treated through bed rest & medication  If it escalates early induction or a C-Section may result

48 Ectopic Pregnancy  Ectopic means "out of place.“  Fertilized egg implants outside the uterus.  The egg settles in the fallopian tubes more than 95% of the time.  It will eventually burst the organ that contains it.  Causes severe bleeding and can endanger the mother's life.

49 Miscarriage  Miscarriage, or Spontaneous abortion (SAB), is the term used for a pregnancy that ends on it's own, within the first 20 weeks of gestation  Causes: Chromosomal Abnormality Hormonal problems, infections or maternal health problems Lifestyle (i.e. smoking, drug use, malnutrition, excessive caffeine and exposure to radiation or toxic substances) Improper Implantation Maternal age Maternal Trauma

50 Stillborn  Stillbirth is the death of a baby after the 20th week of pregnancy, but before delivery. The baby may have died in the uterus weeks or hours before labor, or during labor  Causes Problems with the placenta and/or umbilical cord Maternal medical conditions and lifestyle choices Birth Defects 50 % of stillbirths are unkown

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