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Biology 484 – Ethology Chapter 11 – Evolution of Mating Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Biology 484 – Ethology Chapter 11 – Evolution of Mating Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biology 484 – Ethology Chapter 11 – Evolution of Mating Systems

2 Chapter 11 Opener: The mating systems of many species involve defense of food resources

3 11.1 The monogamous honey bee drone dies after mating

4 11.5 Female burying beetles combat polygyny

5 11.6 A monogamous pair of cleaner wrasses

6 11.7 An exceptionally paternal rodent

7 11.8 Male care of offspring affects fitness in the California mouse

8 11.11 Paternal male starlings keep their clutches warmer by helping mates incubate their eggs

9 11.15 Polyandry has fitness costs

10 11.16 Polyandry has fitness benefits

11 11.17 A father’s mating success can be transmitted to his sons

12 11.19 Polyandry boosts female reproductive success in a pseudoscorpion

13 11.20 Egg fertilizations in female crickets that have mated with a sibling and a nonrelative (Part 1)

14 11.20 Egg fertilizations in female crickets that have mated with a sibling and a nonrelative (Part 2)

15 11.28 Resource defense polygyny in an African cichlid fish

16 11.30 Does polygyny reduce female fitness?

17 11.32 An explosive breeding assemblage


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