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SDSU CO-REC VOLLEYBALL CAPTAIN’S MEETING. HOBO DOUGH DEPOSIT A $25 team deposit through Hobo Dough is required for each team. This can be paid at the.

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Presentation on theme: "SDSU CO-REC VOLLEYBALL CAPTAIN’S MEETING. HOBO DOUGH DEPOSIT A $25 team deposit through Hobo Dough is required for each team. This can be paid at the."— Presentation transcript:


2 HOBO DOUGH DEPOSIT A $25 team deposit through Hobo Dough is required for each team. This can be paid at the front desk of the Wellness Center. The Hobo Dough deposit will increase to $30 beginning on the Friday after registration has closed $5 will not be refunded at the end of the season. If there is no deposit paid before a team is to play its second contest, the team will not be able to play until the deposit is paid through Hobo Dough

3 IM LEAGUES & PARTICIPANT ELIGIBILITY All teams must be created on Each player must also be registered on before being added to a team. Students and Wellness Center members are eligible to participate in Intramural Sports Wellness Center members must purchase an IM Sports Pass at the Front Desk A current varsity squad member is ineligible for intramural competition in that sport or related sport. Former collegiate athletes of a sport must be wait one full calendar tear before participating in their sport. The calendar year begins on the last practice or game that athlete participated in. Former collegiate athletes must also play in the highest available league Games in which an ineligible player is found to have participated will be forfeited No more than half of the roster may be former Varsity athletes of a related sport. No more than half the players on the field may be former varsity athletes. Anyone who has competed professionally is not allowed to participate in the sport of which they were professional.


5 DRUGS & ALCOHOL POLICY No Individual who is under the influence of drugs and alcohol may participate in Intramural Sports. Any player believed to be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol may be asked to leave or ejected. Any team found to be under the influence may receive a forfeit, and any games won while under the influence may be forfeited.

6 SPORTSMANSHIP Sportsmanship rating scale: 1-5 Sportsmanship is determined by Umpires, Officials and Intramural staff. Teams must have season average of 3.5 or greater to be eligible for playoffs. Season Ratings will serve as the first tie breaker for regular season standings and playoff seeding. Unsporting acts will result in a lower sportsmanship rating and possibly ejection.

7 EJECTIONS Any player ejected for any reason must leave the playing area immediately. If the player is ejected due to unsportsmanlike conduct, they must contact the coordinator of IM sports before returning to play. Any ejection due to unsportsmanlike conduct will result in the team receiving a “2” sportsmanship rating. More than three ejections on one team during a single game will result in a forfeit.

8 FORFEITS & DEFAULTS Teams should check IM Leagues each week to verify your team’s schedule A team unable to field the necessary amount of players AT game time will forfeit the contest. The first forfeit will result in a $10 deduction from their Hobo Dough deposit. After two forfeits, the team will lose the remainder of Hobo Dough deposit and be removed from the league In order to receive a Default, teams must contact either the Intramural Sports Coordinator or the IM Graduate Assistant by 2pm the day of the contest.

9 WEATHER, EVENTS, & POSTPONEMENT Any information about weather cancellations will come directly from the coordinator of Intramural Sports via IM Leagues. Any games which are cancelled may be rescheduled, depending on time and space availability.

10 CAPTAIN’S RESPONSIBILITIES The Captain is responsible for the conduct of his/her team. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be permitted. Make sure all roster additions have been made by Noon of game day Making sure team has paid the $25 Hobo Dough deposit Pay before registration closes to avoid a late fee

11 PARTICIPANT RESPONSIBILITIES All students must check in with supervisor using their SDSU student ID No other forms of ID will be allowed (driver’s license, etc.) Check-in will be at the court on which you play

12 THE GAME Teams Are composed of six players. A contest may be started with 4 players. Net For women - 7 feet 4 1/4 inches For men - 8 feet The Game Starting a game or match Captain’s meeting for the coin toss. Winning captain can choose to serve or which side they start. Switch sides after each game.

13 SERVING A server shall hit the ball with one hand, fist, or arm. Can be over-head or underhand serve. A ball that hits the net on the serve and goes over is a playable ball. Both feet must be behind the line when the serve is made.

14 SCORING Rally Scoring A point will be awarded on each service or awarded side out. When a fault is committed by the receiving team, a point is awarded to the serving team. When a fault is committed by the serving team, the opponents are awarded a point and the ball for service. It is not necessary for the winning team to be serving at the time the winning point is scored. Each game will be played to 25, must win by 2, and cap at 30. We will play best 2 out of 3 matches. If one team wins two in a row, the match is over.

15 GENERAL A player may go out-of-bounds to play a ball; if a player plays a ball that would have been out-of-bounds, it is considered good. A double foul shall be called when players on opposing teams commit a rules infraction at the same instant. In case of a double foul, the point shall be replayed. If the ball is contacted simultaneously by two players on the same team, it counts as one hit and either player may make the next hit. If two or more players from opposing teams hit the ball simultaneously, it shall NOT count as one of the three hits.

16 GENERAL A ball touching a boundary line is in. There is an attack line 10 feet back from the net. A back row player may spike from behind this line. If only one player is attempting to block and in doing so contacts the ball, he/she is permitted to contact it a second time simultaneously. Reaching over the net is permitted during: A fake hit. The follow-through on a hit made on the player's own side. An attempt to hit. A block or attempt to block. A player may not reach over the net to touch or block a set ball.

17 VIOLATIONS Crossing the center line with a hand or foot and interfering with an opponent. Touching the net while the ball is in play, including on follow-through of swing Catching or holding the ball: Scooping, lifting, shoving, or following the ball shall be considered as holding One person hitting the ball twice in succession (3 exceptions) Four hits by one team without ball being touched by opponent Serving out of turn Attacking in front of 10 foot line when playing in a back row position Attacking the serve Blocking the serve

18 PLAYOFFS Playoffs will begin Sunday, April 24 th. The top 2 teams from each division will advance to playoffs Standings are determined by, in order: winning percentage, sportsmanship rating, point differential, points against Teams must maintain a satisfactory sportsmanship rating of 3.5 throughout the playoffs in order to continue

19 SCRIMMAGE GAMES Interested in getting some pre-season practice? Teams wanted for scrimmage games on Thursday, March 31 st at 6 & 7pm 4 teams each hour If you are available please let the Graduate Assistant know at: 605-688-5294

20 QUESTIONS? Please be sure to read the rules under the “Handbooks and Manuals” tab on Any Questions may be directed to the Intramural Graduate Assistant at: 605-688-5294

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