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Antimicrobial Properties of Herbs Biology Department, PSU Linda & Reed.

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Presentation on theme: "Antimicrobial Properties of Herbs Biology Department, PSU Linda & Reed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Antimicrobial Properties of Herbs Biology Department, PSU Linda & Reed

2 Some Background Information  It is generally accepted that many herbs have antimicrobial properties, but how strong are they and in what herbs?  This could be useful as an alternative to antibiotics and to prevent superbugs.  Three common herbs (sage, rosemary, and oregano) were used along with E. coli and S. epidermidis.  We hypothesized that at least one of the herbs would have a zone of inhibition on either bacteria and show that it therefore had antimicrobial properties. Sage Rosemary Oregano

3 What Was Done  The herbs were measured out into 0.5 tsp. and mixed with 3 mL. of sterile water into test tubes. These were then heated for 15 seconds over the Bunsen burner, wrapped with parafilm, and left to sit for 5 days.  A lawn of bacteria was divided into four quadrants for the sage, rosemary, oregano, and sterile water for a negative control and labelled as such.  S. epidermis -> Gram negative E. coli -> Gram positive  Using tweezers sterilized via Bunsen burner, sterile disks were saturated in the herbs and water then laid on the corresponding quadrant.

4 Tubes wrapped in parafilm Petri dishes in quadrants and labelled.

5 Sterile Disks Ta- da!!!

6 Results  Our hypothesis was that at least one of the herbs would have a zone of inhibition on either bacteria and show that it therefore had antimicrobial properties.  Sadly, we were wrong  None of the herbs had any zone of inhibition.

7 What we were hoping for….. What we got.

8  While our hypothesis was incorrect, that does not mean our theory was incorrect  Ethanol  Not concentrated enough  Because we used two trials, that led to a decrease in false negatives/positive  Sterile water  This could still be further researched  Superbugs  Healthier eating  Cleaning

9 Thank You For Your Time!

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