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RFQ/P Opportunity Site 1 (1.4 acres) Catalyst Retail Anchor Tenant  Site 2 (.54 acres) & 4 (.63 acres)  Stand alone retail or mixed of uses with retail.

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Presentation on theme: "RFQ/P Opportunity Site 1 (1.4 acres) Catalyst Retail Anchor Tenant  Site 2 (.54 acres) & 4 (.63 acres)  Stand alone retail or mixed of uses with retail."— Presentation transcript:

1 RFQ/P Opportunity Site 1 (1.4 acres) Catalyst Retail Anchor Tenant  Site 2 (.54 acres) & 4 (.63 acres)  Stand alone retail or mixed of uses with retail  Site 3 (1.07 acres)  Stand alone retail or high density residential with retail on 3 rd Retail Shell (4KSF) 4KSF Restaurant/Retail 4 Development Sites + Retail Shell

2 Site 1--DOWNTOWN MALL  Zoning: CBD, Mixed-Use  Two+ stories desired for new development or stand-alone commercial uses consistent with the City’s goals of promoting the ongoing revitalization of the Downtown  Ground Floor Retail required along Monterey Road  Site identified to site major commercial use which would act as a catalyst for the overall revitalization of the Downtown area’  Eligible for residential allocations (exempt from competition process) Size: 1.49 Acres (7 parcels) Desired Use: Catalyst Anchor Retail Site Six of the seven parcels recommended For Sale for Future Development. One parcel (APN 726-14-032), a residential duplex is recommended For Sale at market rate MONTEREY RD.

3 SITE 2--2 ND ST. & MONTEREY RD.  Zoning: CBD, Mixed-Use  Two+ stories desired for new development or stand-alone commercial uses consistent with the City’s goals of promoting the ongoing revitalization of the Downtown.  Ground Floor Retail required along Monterey Road  Stand-alone commercial uses would also be consistent with the City’s goals of promoting the ongoing revitalization of the Downtown.  Eligible for residential allocations (exempt from competition process) Size: 0.54 Acres (3 parcels) Desired Use: Stand alone retail or mixed of uses with retail 2 ND ST. MONTEREY RD. 3 RD ST.

4 SITE 3--DEPOT ST.  Zoning: CBD, Mixed-Use  Stand alone retail or high density residential with retail on 3 rd  Ground Floor Retail required along 3 rd Street  Site across from Caltrain Station and along 3 rd Street Promenade  Eligible for residential allocations (exempt from competition process) Size: 1.07 Acres (1 parcel) Desired Use: Stand alone retail or high density residential with retail on 3 rd *$2 M Option to Purchase expires in 2016 DEPOT DEPOT

5 SITE 4--3 RD & MONTEREY RD.  Recommended for Future Development*  Zoning: CBD, Mixed-Use  Two+ stories desired for new development or stand-alone commercial uses consistent with the City’s goals of promoting the ongoing revitalization of the Downtown.  Ground Floor Retail required along Monterey Road and 3 rd Street  Site identified to act as gateway to 3 rd Street Promenade  Eligible for residential allocations (exempt from competition process) Size: 0.63 Acres (4 parcels) Desired Use: Stand alone retail or mixed of uses with retail THIRD ST. FOURTH ST.

6 RETAIL SHELL  Zoning: CBD, Mixed-Use  Stand-alone retail shell available for retail or restaurant tenant  Site identified to act as gateway to 3 rd Street Promenade  Site adjacent to 275-space public parking structure Size: 4,000 SF Desired Use: Restaurant/Retail

7 Morgan Hill Demographics  42,000 Population  124k Average HH Income  65% College Educated  Median Age 36  Median Housing Value $580k  1.3 M visitors to Sport Facilities  800 Hotel Rooms, 21 Wineries Nearby

8 Downtown Opportunity Sites Morgan Hill  Currently Surrounded By: 123k SF Occupied Retail Space with Over 30 Restaurants 300 New Multi Family Housing Units 1,502 Parking Spaces Available  City has money to invest: $25M for Future Investment Downtown Eligible for Residential Incentives: avg $31K/du

9 For more information contact: Edith Ramirez 408-310-4633 Anne Stedler 408-310-4633

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