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Online Pharmacy  With use of prostaglandin Cytotec tablets, women receive medical pregnancy termination at inexpensive.

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1 Online Pharmacy

2  With use of prostaglandin Cytotec tablets, women receive medical pregnancy termination at inexpensive cost. Users need to consume the tablets by keeping these under tongue. They can expect complete abortion in couple of weeks, without any complication or surgery. No anesthesia is required, and the tablets can be taken at home. These medicines are WHO certified and U.S FDA approved.

3  With use of Cytotec tablets, the woman’s womb contracts constantly to produce out fetal remains from vagina. The fetal remains are flushed out with assistance of heavy menstrual type of bleeding. The bleeding may accompany large clots consisting of fetal parts. Within 14 to 16 days of abortion commencement, the user can experience complete eviction of pregnancy sections from uterus.

4  Users must begin with prostaglandin pills after 2 to 3 days of using anti progesterone tablets. Take 4 Cytotec pills under tongue and consume melted ingredients latter to half an hour. Provide 3 hours gap for every consumption cycle, each containing only 4 tablets of 200mcg each. Avoid intake of interacting medications, alcohol, smoking, overdose, water along with the tablets.

5  The Cytotec procedure of pregnancy termination can cause few consequences like abdominal cramps due to womb convulsions, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, headache, tiredness, breast tenderness, mood swings, appetite alteration etc. But, these side effects are temporary, and normally vanish when pregnancy parts get successfully evicted. Heavy bleeding is expected, and mild spotting may occur during recovery for 30 days or more.

6  Women must not use Cytotec pills for abortion if they are over 12 weeks gestation, heavy alcoholics, exceeding 35 years age, chain smokers, ectopic pregnant, allergic to the medicines, suffering from cardiac problems, kidney/liver disease, complications to uterus, pelvis, metabolic system, breastfeeding, mental disorder, spinal cord injury, critical illnesses etc. Bed rest, maintaining hygiene, avoiding stressful activities is recommended.

7  If the medicine is causing extreme bleeding and pain, or unexpected consequences, then rush for immediate healthcare. Store Cytotec tablets away from direct sunlight, dust, moisture, and in hygienic place, preferably within air tight containers. Do not break or dilute the tablets. Future pregnancy

8 For more details visit our website :

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