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Anti-Bullying Week 2014 “Let’s stop bullying for all”

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Presentation on theme: "Anti-Bullying Week 2014 “Let’s stop bullying for all”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anti-Bullying Week 2014 “Let’s stop bullying for all”

2 What is bullying?

3 Bullying is harmful behaviour that is said or done to upset someone or make them feel bad Bullying is harmful behaviour that hurts other people physically This can be:- teasing; saying mean things; kicking; hitting; pushing; taking someone’s things; text messaging; emailing; gossiping; excluding people from groups; and spreading hurtful and untruthful stories. Bullying is intentional and repetitive – it happens on purpose and on more that one occasion. It is done to hurt or upset another person.

4 Bullying Bullying is when someone is constantly hurting and offending someone. The two most common forms of bullying are cyberbullying and bullying where you hurt and be mean to them in person.

5 Which of these famous people were bullied?

6 So what should we do? Quick Tips:- Show open body language (stand tall) Try not to show your fear Tell someone who will listen Keep eye contact with the bully Do not be a bystander – help those in need Do not be a bully!

7 How can we stop it? There are lots of ways to stop bullying. If someone is being hurt or you’re being hurt go and tell a trusted adult straight away. What other ways do you think we can stop bullying?

8 Bystanders! Don’t be a bystander! Bystanders are people that don't tell an adult that someone is being hurt or is upset they stand and watch. If you see someone being bullied let an adult know.

9 Anti-bullying week activities Theatre group for Year 2-6 Anti-bullying workshop for parents Activities in your classroom this week – listen carefully and make sure you understand what bullying means Complete our school anti-bullying questionnaire (be honest but fair)

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