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Geometry Gems What is the perimeter of the figure below?

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Presentation on theme: "Geometry Gems What is the perimeter of the figure below?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geometry Gems What is the perimeter of the figure below?

2 Coordinate Points Plot the following points: D (0, 0) E (0, 4) F (-5, 0)

3 Fluttering Fractions 1/2 + 3/5 + 6/10 3/7 + 5/8 1 - 3/16

4 Crack the Code What is the greatest number below? -100, 18, -99, or -54

5 Probability Pizzazz If two dice are thrown, what is the probability that one of them shows a number greater than 3?

6 Solve This! What is 3 4 in expanded form AND standard form?

7 Vocal Vocabulary Define the following: Factor Product

8 Creepy Crawling Algebra If y = 3 and z = 2, solve the following equation: 3y + 2z + 24 ÷ 6

9 Balance Those Equations What is the value of q in the equation q + q + q + q = 40 ?

10 Twister Math 6 x (2 4 ÷ 4) + 8 - 3 2

11 Functions Complete the table. xy 12 26 38 411 5 6 7

12 Decimal Derby 18.6 1.75 +0.378

13 Round and Round Name the diameter.

14 Formula-Formula-Formula One side of an equilateral triangle is 6 m long. What is the perimeter of the triangle?

15 Scientific Notation Write 3.812 x 10 5 in standard form.

16 Integers What is the value of I, J, and K?

17 Inequalities 4+ r > 18

18 Properties-Properties-Properties What step would you do first in the equation: 20 x 5 2 ÷ 8 + 3 - 2

19 Fraction-Decimal-Percent What is the decimal, fraction, and percent for the shaded area?

20 What’s My Angle Is this an acute, obtuse, or right angle?

21 Shop Till You Drop If John buys a shirt for $14.95, a pair of shoes for $32.45, and three pairs of jeans at $18.90 each, how much did he spend?

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