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Copyright © 2014 Paths for All FOR A HAPPIER, HEALTHIER SCOTLAND Promoting Walking Workshop Delivered by Jenny Lim and Anne Dunbar.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2014 Paths for All FOR A HAPPIER, HEALTHIER SCOTLAND Promoting Walking Workshop Delivered by Jenny Lim and Anne Dunbar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2014 Paths for All FOR A HAPPIER, HEALTHIER SCOTLAND Promoting Walking Workshop Delivered by Jenny Lim and Anne Dunbar

2 Welcome and Domestics

3 Write your own action plan Promoting Walking Workshop Benefits of walking Policy drivers Case Studies Coffee Break Resources Monitoring and evaluation

4 Learning objectives: this workshop has been designed so you… 1.Can discuss/ identify/ look at the evidence / for the benefits of walking 2.Are introduced to the current key policy documents and policy drivers around walking 3.Are able to identify a range of audiences and client groups who will benefit from increased walkingcont…

5 Learning Objectives (continued) 4. Discuss and plan for some of the challenges and their solutions that may occur as you promote walking in your work setting 5. Know where to get the resources that are available to you to promote walking

6 Action Planning What will you do as a result of attending this workshop? When will you do it? Who do you need to ask for help/what resources will you need?

7 Ice Breaker Work in pairs, find out your partner’s name and their work role Ask your partner to list 2 or 3 benefits of walking



10 Everyday walking is the way to a happier, healthier life for everyone.


12 Walking for Health in Scotland Numbers 134 walking projects 18,500 community walks 213,000 walking attendances 5,000 new walkers Volunteers 6,600 trained walk leaders 600 Courses Walks 20% of the population live within 2km of a health walk and 50% within 5km Value For every £1 invested in health walks £8 of benefits are generated for society

13 The Benefits of Walking Workshop discussion #1

14 What is Health

15 Why is Walking so Good? No cost to take part Almost anyone can do it You don’t need any special equipment, you just need comfy shoes and a jacket You can increase the pace to suit your group Low impact / low risk Health Walks have Medical Protection Society endorsement

16 Least affected by SIMD Habit/ Routine Transformative Low to no expense Accessible for the least active Progression route Social

17 30-40% reduction in diabetes 20-30% reduction in heart attack and stroke 30% reduction in bowel cancer 36-68% reduction in hip fractures 30% reduction in depression/dementia 20% reduction in breast cancer Data taken from: Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer 2011 “Transforming Scotland’s Health” NHS Scotland The Impact of Increasing your Walking Adults should aim for 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity spread over the week.

18 Sedentary Behaviour Not just the absence of physical activity, sedentary behaviour is a cluster of behaviours that result in low metabolic activity in the body resulting in increased risk of illness and disease. Find out more at: Dr Mike Evans

19 Walking Policy Workshop discussion #2 A standing up discussion?

20 Key Policy/Advocacy Documents

21 Can you name the policy areas?

22 Let’s Get Scotland Walking Our Vision A Scotland where everyone benefits from walking as part of their everyday journeys, enjoys walking in the outdoors and when places are well designed to encourage walking. Our 3 Strategic aims are: Create a culture of walking where everyone walks more often as part of their everyday travel and for recreation and well- being Better quality walking environments with attractive, well designed and managed built and natural spaces for everyone Enable easy, convenient and safe independent mobility for everyone

23 Case studies Workshop activity #3

24 Case Studies Service users aren’t really into exercise but they enjoy walking and it builds up their confidence. Exercise is seen as challenging but walking encourages physical activity and extends people’s horizons. It provides a link to the community The walking group brought me out of my shell. I learned to do other things like mixing with the other women in the group. It’s got me out of the house more so I am not so fed up, bored or uptight. I am enjoying life more. The walks make me get up and get myself moving. I like walking it helps my blood pressure. I feel better and more confident.

25 Case Studies Activity Discuss the case study with your group Summarise the key points Feedback to the wider group Fill in your action plan with any ideas for your setting

26 Action Planning Take 10 minutes to add any notes, thoughts or actions to your action plan

27 Coffee Break (15 minutes)

28 Resources Workshop discussion #4

29 Training courses Walk Leader “kit” Pedometers Different Age Groups Motivational items Partners & Funding Social media And comms Resources

30 Communications/Social Media Like us on facebook Tweet us @PathsforAll Footnotes magazine Enews Talk to our Comms team

31 Small amounts of funding can support: training courses merchandise e.g. pedometers motivational resources for walkers and leaders e.g rucksacks and water bottles Walking is a free/low cost intervention, don’t let funding (or lack of it) be a barrier to action!

32 Monitoring and Evaluation Ideas Workshop discussion #5

33 Monitoring and Evaluating Keep track of numbers Keep track of the difference walking makes to people’s lives

34 Workshop Activity # 6 Opportunities and Challenges 1.On your own - take time to write down some of the challenges or opportunities which have come to mind during the workshop 2.In groups – take some time to share some of your challenges, and help each other find solutions

35 Following today we hope you will: Do strength and balance exercises (Otago) Stand more & Sit less Promote the online step count challenge Organise lunch time walks for staff and/or clients Have walking meetings Choose active travel Use Pedometers Be a walking advocate or walking champion Setup walking groups for your clients and patients

36 Round the Room Feedback Use your action plan to share some of the ideas you have come up with to promote walking

37 Write your own action plan Promoting Walking Workshop Benefits of walking Policy drivers Case Studies Coffee Break Resources Monitoring and evaluation

38 Learning Outcomes recap. 1.Have an increased understanding of the benefits of walking 2.Have an increased awareness of some of the current key policy documents and policy drivers around walking 3.Begin to identify a range of audiences and client groups who will benefit from increased walking

39 Learning Outcomes (continued) 4.Be able to identify some of the challenges and solutions that may occur as you promote walking in your work setting 5.Have an increased understanding of the range of resources that are available to you to promote walking

40 Bag It what will you will be taking away from today? Thought for the day Tell us your thoughts now you have done the course In Summary Bin it Something you did not like, or did not find useful

41 Paths for All Walk Promoting Walking Workshop Contact Us Training Admin and enquiries: Marion Munro 01259 222336 Communications: Anna Mitchell 01463 725129

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