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Unscrambled sentence Urg! The evil teacher assigns us work daily and expects it on his desk by 8:00 in the morning. Int. adj. noun pro. verb noun pro.

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Presentation on theme: "Unscrambled sentence Urg! The evil teacher assigns us work daily and expects it on his desk by 8:00 in the morning. Int. adj. noun pro. verb noun pro."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unscrambled sentence Urg! The evil teacher assigns us work daily and expects it on his desk by 8:00 in the morning. Int. adj. noun pro. verb noun pro. prep. con. prep. adv. prep.

2 8 Parts of Speech September 1 Warm up Look at the phrases listed below. Unscramble the parts so that you have a sentence written in the correct order. THEN, label all the nouns by underlined them and verbs by circling them, and place and ADJ above and Adjectives, and ADV above the adverbs But as he to his great astonishment forged along --a lofty structure with pointed towers into the gloom were in one enormous buildingthat all the lights he sawplunging upward GET A TEXTBOOK

3 So, what did you come up with? But as he forged along he saw to his great astonishment that all the lights were in one enormous building--a lofty structure with pointed towers plunging upward into the gloom

4 So, what did you come up with? But as he forged along he saw to his great astonishment that all the lights were in one enormous building--a lofty structure with pointed towers plunging upward into the gloom What do you notice about these words? Pronouns: a word that serves as a substitute for a noun (ex: I, me, you, he, him, this, that, etc…) ADJ ADV

5 Haruki Murakami Born 1949 Lived in Kyoto and Kobe, Japan Literary parents Escaped loneliness and his parents strictness through reading Combined Eastern and Western influences Writes about spiritual emptiness within the Japanese culture Tsunamis and typhoons were common

6 Frame story A story within a story The outer story will use a beginning narrator to then introduce the inner story (this will be the main story).

7 Fun Fact Flotsam: 1. the wreckage of a ship or its cargo found floating on or washed up by the sea. synonyms:wreckage, cargo, remains; 2. people or things that have been rejected and are regarded as worthless. "the room was cleared of boxes and other flotsam“ Jetsam: 1. unwanted material or goods that have been thrown overboard from a ship and washed ashore, especially material that has been discarded to lighten the vessel.

8 8 Parts of Speech – Sept. 1 Warm-Up Unscramble the following sentence as best you can. Once you think you have it, label the parts of speech. 8 parts of speech: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, interjection, conjunction, preposition the evil teacher on his desk the next morning assigns us Urg! work daily and expects it by 8:00

9 Unscrambled sentence Urg! The evil teacher assigns us work daily and expects it on his desk by 8:00 in the morning. Int. adj. noun pro. verb noun pro. prep. con. prep. adv. prep.

10 On your own Answer the reading questions on your own sheet of notebook paper. Homework: finish questions by Friday Reminders: Enroll in Vocabulary book orders from KHS due by September 8


12 “The Seventh Man, pg 354 As we read… Track the description of the waves/ocean compared to the mood of the story and the tone of storyteller. The ocean provides a structure for the story. The waves are… (with line #)The tone/mood is… Lapping normallyPlayful/comfortable Distant-- closeCurious--frightful friendly, renewingRelieved, reborn

13 Archetype Water: the mystery of creation; birth-death- resurrection; purification and redemption; fertility and growth. According to Carl Jung, water is most common symbol for the unconscious. a) The Sea: the mother of all life; spiritual mystery and infinity; death and rebirth; timelessness and eternity; the unconscious. b) Rivers: death and rebirth (baptism); the flowing of time into eternity; transitional phases of the life cycle; incarnations of deities.

14 The big picture What parable is the seventh man teaching the circle of story tellers? What do you suppose Murakami is suggesting to us with this story? What thematic statements arise from this tale?

15 “The Seventh Man” Paragraph Assignment You will choose from 1 of 4 prompts. **Please read the 4 prompts now and select one. Even though this a paragraph about a story from the book, you still need to have a Works Cited page. (I will post the format for this on my website) You still must have a unique title (“The Seventh Man” Paragraph is NOT a unique title) You must type your paper using correct MLA format

16 “The Seventh Man” paragraph due dates Today Thesis statement: Mrs. Ryan will approve it. You MUST receive a check before you leave today. Due Tuesday Shaping sheet Block Day Bring TWO hard copies of your typed, MLA formatted rough draft This should be practically your final draft. We will peer edit and conference Friday Final essay due along with all processed drafts (a printed copy is due in class and a digital copy must be submitted to

17 After opening a Word document, select “Line and Paragraph Spacing” make sure 2.0 is selected.

18 To set your header and page number… Using the tabs at the top choose Insert, Page Number, choose top of page, plain #3. The correct page number will appear on each page. You can add your last name here and then close header/footer toolbox.

19 Here is an example of the first page of an MLA- formatted paper

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