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OBIS - A Valuable Resource for NW Atlantic Fisheries Science (Part 2) OBIS Canada M.Kennedy, B.Marshall, N.Campbell, W.Appeltans NAFO Scientific Council.

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Presentation on theme: "OBIS - A Valuable Resource for NW Atlantic Fisheries Science (Part 2) OBIS Canada M.Kennedy, B.Marshall, N.Campbell, W.Appeltans NAFO Scientific Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 OBIS - A Valuable Resource for NW Atlantic Fisheries Science (Part 2) OBIS Canada M.Kennedy, B.Marshall, N.Campbell, W.Appeltans NAFO Scientific Council - Standing Committee Meetings Dartmouth, Nova Scotia 30 May–12 June 2014

2 OBIS overview What is OBIS? Why should NAFO participate in OBIS? – What can NAFO do for OBIS? – What can OBIS do for NAFO? Data management best practices & tools & NAFO areas

3 OBIS - Part 1: 2012 presentation

4 Benefits of contributing data to OBIS

5 OBIS data in NAFO area of interest Basic criteria to search for occurrence records for fish within NAFO geographic region

6 Sources of data All taxonomic groups DFO regional research trawl surveys DFO BioChem (plankton/AZMP) DFO AIS DFO Mar Cetacean database EC-CWS seabirds at sea PIROP Museum collections USA - NEFSC Europe - SAHFOS cpr Ocean Tracking Network MICROBIS ECNASAP Fig. shows location of samples for ActinopterygiiActinopterygii

7 Ad hoc queries – counts/sources SELECT count(*) FROM obis.drs d WHERE latitude between 36 and 69 and longitude between -72 and -42;  4122655

8 Ad hoc queries & Pretty Plots Insert a few figures showing OBIS datasets Perhaps include a graph showing datasets versus year? Timeline? Perhaps extract for specific species – what are NAFO favourite fish? Perhaps list data sources? Will see if Bob Branton can help make a few figures…

9 Provide feedback – data requirements what does NAFO require? Are occurrence records with ‘presence’ only useful or is abundance/biomass required? What other fields are required for analysis? Example - Is bottom temperature recorded at the time of the trawl required? or Would linkage to World Ocean Database be sufficient?

10 Timeline – Explorations From Eric Mills

11 Timeline – ICNAF data International Commission of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (1949-1978). Illustration shows current data in OBIS – perhaps ICNAF can fill gaps?

12 Timeline – ICNAF data International Commission of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (1949-1978). Landings data, collected by area, country and time period, comprising total weights and fish sizes of the principal groundfish species represented part of the fisheries statistics deemed essential to the purposes of the Commission. On that basis, the ICNAF collection and reporting system led to the establishment of what Anderson (1998) referred to as one of the worlds best fisheries data bases of the time. From Dave Kulka The NORWESTLANT Surveys took place during April-July 1963. Three surveys were carried out : NORWESTLANT 1, NORWESTLANT 2, NORWESTLANT 3. Phyto and zooplankton; fish eggs and larvae and marine mammal observations

13 Tagging Activities reported by member countries 1976-79

14 Historical catch statistics 1804 to 1959 Nominal positions for NAFO divisions obtained from gazetteer

15 NAFO data  OBIS ICNAF NORWESTLANT Surveys Tagging studies Historical catch statistics dataset NAFO/FAO Catch statistics ?

16 Data flow and data sharing Countries collect data – ‘restricted’ Countries annually submit to FAO? FAO provides copy to NAFO?? NAFO provide view to OBIS – Need to choose embargo period – perhaps start with 10 year period? (or 20 years to start?) Submit data up to 1994? Or up to 1999? Provide scientific name and NAFO area – Provide time range for year? – Provide abundance or biomass? – Common sampling gear?

17 Data flow and data sharing Fishermen  port/dockside monitors ‘Landings’ data contains the fishing area but not the exact latitude/longitude coordinates fished Port monitors  local DFO managers Landings archived in regional databases (MARFIS?) Instant view of fishing activity DFO regions  DFO national Nationally integrate regional landings data annually DFO  NAFO NAFO  FAO

18 Data flow Fishermen FAO Fishermen Port monitor Canada -DFONAFO ICCAT ICES Fishermen Port monitor Individual catches Dockside monitoring of landings in specific fishing areas Real-time National integration Annual reporting Country B Country C Thematic or regional integration Final reports may lag by a year or two Global

19 Tools to index/standardize data

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