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CHAPTER 29 SECTION 2 The Affluent Society. The Eisenhower Era  New Regime 1950's:  Dwight D. Eisenhower  Promises Cut Bureaucracy End "Creeping Socialism”

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1 CHAPTER 29 SECTION 2 The Affluent Society

2 The Eisenhower Era  New Regime 1950's:  Dwight D. Eisenhower  Promises Cut Bureaucracy End "Creeping Socialism” New Deal Balance Budget Reduce Economic Regulations

3 Eisenhower Era Continued  Presidential Actions:  Cut Gov't Jobs Thousands  Federal Budget Cut Billions Cut Farm Subsidies  Progress:  Unemployment  Expanded Minimum Wage  Increased  Established Departments: Health, Education, & Welfare  Modern Republicanism:  Domestic Affairs Approach "Conservative with Money” "Liberal with Human Beings"

4 Eisenhower and the Economy  Economic Prosperity:  1950's  Unemployment & Inflation  Very Low  60% Population Middle Class $3,000 to $10,000  Changes in Workplace:  Corporations Prospering Automation Using Machines Operate Faster More Efficiently Professional & Service Jobs Increased

5 Changes in the Workplace  White Collar Jobs:  Increase Managers Clerical Workers  Pink Collar Jobs:  Nursing  Teaching  Retail Sales  New Union Style:  1955 Merger  American Federation of Labor (AFL)  Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)  George Meany – first president of AFL-CIO Cooperating with Management Both Sides Give & Take

6 Suburban Migration  Geographic Mobility:  Middle Class Suburbs 1960 1/3 Population  "Planned Communities”  Entire Neighborhoods Same Floor Plan Very Alike


8 Reasons for Expansion  Growing Communities:  Housing Costs Low  Affordable Homes Low-Interest Mortgages Veterans  Highway Act of 1956:  Expands Highway System Commuting Easier


10 Suburban Life  Starting Families:  Postponed  Depression & WWII  Married Younger More Children  Baby Boom  30 Million People  1950’s  Mothers Role:  "Ideal Wife/Mother”  Full-time Homemaker  Working Mothers  Increases  Middle Class  Homemakers "Bored Stiff”

11 1950’s Consumerism  Consumerism:  Conformity  Advertising  Buying/Participating  Same Things “Keeping up with the Joneses”  Same Groups and organizations  PTA  Scouts  Little League Sports

12 Jonas Salk’s Polio Vaccine  Polio Epidemic  Late 1940’s  1952 disease attacked  60,000 Americans Children  Scientists worked day and night  1952  Jonas Salk  “one of the greatest triumphs in the history of medicine”

13 The Golden Age of Television  1950’s  46 million One Television  Advertising  1.6 Billion General Electric Theatre Kraft Television Theatre  Favorites  World Series  I Love Lucy   The Honeymooners   Stereotypes  Amos ‘n’ Andy

14 Teenagers and Pop Culture  Fictional Rebels  Catcher in the Rye  MAD Magazine Juvenile Delinquency Antisocial behavior by the young  Movies The Wild One Marlon Brando Rebel Without a Cause James Dean

15 Rock ‘N’ Roll  1951  Alan Freed Cleveland Ohio Disc Jockey  Elvis Presley  King African American Gospel Rhythm and Blues Band  Others  Jerry Lee Lewis  Buddy Holly  Challenged  Parents The Coasters  Racial Segregation  African American Musicians  Little Richard  Chuck Berry

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