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Paper Administration Online Testing ACT with Writing Spring 2016.

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1 Paper Administration Online Testing ACT with Writing Spring 2016








9 Each System Test Coordinator (STC), Building Test Coordinator (BTC), Test Accommodations Coordinator (TAC), Backup Building Test Coordinator (BBTC), Principal, Room Supervisor, Proctor, and Monitor must be familiar with:  ACT Test Administration Manual  ACT Administration Manual for Special Testing  ACT with Writing: Handbook for System and Building Test Coordinators  ACT with Writing: Special Testing Handbook for System and Building Test Coordinators  Manual Supplement for District Shipping  Answer Document Supplement  ACT Calculator Policy General Information

10 Reminders/Policies/Procedures Testing MUST begin by 9:00 am in all rooms on both the initial and makeup test dates. Permission must be granted by ACT for a late start. An observer/monitor with ACT, ALSDE, or district may visit a school on test day. Admission must be denied if the observer cannot provide an authorization letter or ALSDE identification.

11 Reminders/Policies/Procedures The ACT with Writing test time has changed from 30 minutes to 40 minutes. When the instructions split into two columns, ACT with Writing is always in the right-hand column. The instructions may also vary by color: ACT with Writing will be in a darker shaded color..

12 General Information If an emergency arises on test day that forces termination of testing or closing of school, the STC must notify ACT and the ALSDE as soon as possible to explain the situation. Decisions regarding rescheduling will be made on a case-by-case basis. In addition, ALSDE must be notified immediately. In cases of unusual circumstances (i.e., bomb threats, weather alerts, suspected cheating), the STC must notify ACT and ALSDE immediately. A copy of all irregularities must be sent to ALSDE. As soon as testing is over in the school each day (initial or makeup), materials must be returned to the STC.

13 In the event of a security breach, call ACT immediately if any of the following occurs:  Any item is missing from your shipment.  You receive test booklets that do not match the serial numbers on your Test Materials Distribution Lists.  Any test booklet seals are broken.  The cartons or materials appear to have been tampered with in any way.  A test booklet is lost, stolen, or otherwise missing at any time while the test booklets are at your school, from receipt to return.  You have reason to believe someone has had unauthorized access to the materials. Reminders/Policies/Procedures

14 Lapboards are not allowed under any circumstances. Make sure bulletin board materials related to potential test questions (English, mathematics, reading, science, and writing), charts, and maps that provide strategies for solving problems or writing essays are removed or covered. Geographical maps and periodic tables need not be covered. Each Room Supervisor must have two reliable timepieces in the room: one must be an accurate clock or watch that shows the actual time of day; ACT recommends that the second be a stopwatch or interval timer. Cell phones may not be used. Testing Facility Requirements

15 Rooms must be free from distractions and be able to provide an uninterrupted period of time. Test rooms must be set up according to ACT requirements. If these requirements are not met, scores may be cancelled. Tables must be arranged so that all spacing requirements are met. Examinees must all face the same direction. Testing Facility Requirements

16 Use of Digital Devices by Staff  School personnel involved in administration of state testing may not use digital devices (including but not limited to cell phones, smart watches, MP3 players, cameras, or other telecommunication devices capable of capturing or relaying information) during test administration. Violation(s) may result in disciplinary action/certification revocation. Additional disciplinary action may be taken by the local education agency (LEA).

17  ALSDE requires that Test Administrators/Room Supervisors must be certificated employees. Proctors must be full-time employees involved with the education of examinees.  The ALSDE requirements must be met.  Anyone who coaches high school or college athletics may not serve as the Room Supervisor for one-on-one testing of a student athlete. An athletic coach may serve as the Room Supervisor if there is more than one examinee in the room. Testing Staff Requirements

18 Training Staff  For standardized testing to occur successfully, staff members must understand their responsibilities. It is critical that the same procedures are followed at every school.  Test Coordinators and Back-up Test Coordinators are required to hold a training session before test day for all staff, to prepare them for test- day. This session must be attended by all testing staff, so that everyone has a common understanding of what is to take place on test day.

19 Test Security Requirements  The STC is responsible for maintaining the security and safekeeping of the test materials before, during, and after testing.  At the conclusion of testing, ALL used and unused test materials must be returned to ACT by the STC.  Under no circumstances is a test booklet seal to be broken by anyone other than the examinee on test day.  Staff and examinees are prohibited from disclosing test questions or response choices to anyone.

20 Receipt and Check-In of Test Materials  Materials will be shipped to the STC.  The STC MUST verify that all materials match items on the Test Materials Distribution List within 24 hours of receipt.  Count each booklet; do not assume that the groups of booklets are complete.  Writing Test booklets are shipped in shrink-wrapped packages of 5. Check the serial number of the first booklet in each pack against your Test Materials Distribution List. Do NOT open the shrink-wrap until the morning of test day.

21 Storing Test Materials  Keep the carton(s) in which the test materials were shipped to you. These cartons must be used to return all test booklets to ACT after each test date.  After you have counted and checked the condition of all materials in your shipment, reseal the cartons with the tape provided and write your name across the seal.  The sealed boxes must remain locked in the STC’s secure storage until the day before testing.  All test materials must be accounted for before, during, and after testing, until they are returned to the STC and ACT.

22 Included in secure materials shipments will be a Manual Supplement for District Shipping. The manual supplement contains:  amendments to the policies and procedures in the Administration Manual  an overview of the district shipping process  procedures for receiving materials from ACT, transferring materials to and from schools, and returning materials to ACT  the Secure Test Booklet and Test Package Transfer Form Distributing Materials

23 Completing the Non-Test Portions Before Test Day  The non-test portions of the answer document must be scheduled in a session at school before test day.  Whether or not a barcode label is present, examinees must still grid the identifying information on the front and back pages of their answer document during the pretest session. If this is not done accurately and completely, the examinee’s ACT score report may be undeliverable.

24 Preparing for Test Day  The school is responsible for providing a supply of No. 2 pencils with erasers (no mechanical pencils or ink pens) for each test room.  Each room supervisor must have two reliable timepieces in the room: one must be an accurate clock or watch that shows the actual time of day; ACT recommends that the second be a stopwatch or interval timer. Cellphones may not be used.  Signs or other materials used in admissions procedures.  The Site Header is pre-gridded by machine and identifies the school to the scoring system. Do not correct the information on the Site Header. Failure to return this document could delay scoring of your answer documents.  Create one roster for each test room prior to the initial test date. Write on the roster the name of each examinee scheduled to test.

25 Test Day Activities  Be sure every Room Supervisor has a complete copy of the Administration Manual or the Special Testing Manual, not just the Verbal Instructions, in order to verify procedures for any situation that may occur.  Administration of the tests must be the first activity of the morning. Allow enough time for examinees to be identified, admitted, and seated so that all Room Supervisors can begin reading the Verbal Instructions. Verbal Instructions in every room must begin by 9:00 a.m.  In order to avoid cancellation of test scores, note the following: o Test 1 must begin before 9:00 a.m. Timing Verification Forms with a Test 1 start time after 9:00 a.m. will be investigated and scores may be cancelled. o Breaks must not be extended for any reason. o Tests must be administered in order. o Lunch breaks CANNOT be taken during the test session. All parts must be completed in one sitting.

26 Briefing Session  Test Coordinators MUST hold a briefing session each test-day morning.  Be sure to discuss any school-specific information (e.g., policies on the wearing of hats, how to handle breaks, what to do if examinees bring cell phones).  Remind staff of the digital device policy.  For the ACT with Writing, remind staff that writing test booklets are not to be distributed until just before the writing test begins and after multiple choice test booklets have been taken up.

27 Testing Staff List  The Test Coordinator must return a complete Testing Staff List for each test date (initial and makeup).  A separate form for staff assisting with administrations to examinees testing with accommodations is in the Special Testing Manual and must be completed and returned separately.  List all personnel involved in testing, including anyone assisting with handling or transportation of secure materials, or assisting with security. Include technical staff if you administer the tests on DVDs.

28 Admitting Examinees to the Test Room  Admit examinees by checking them in, one-by-one, at the door of the test room.  Do not allow an examinee to enter the room unless the room supervisor has verified the examinee’s identification and marked the roster. Write the type of identification accepted for admission on the roster.  If an examinee cannot present acceptable identification at the door or cannot be verified by a member of the testing staff, do NOT admit him or her to the room. Write “denied” on the roster beside the examinee’s name. Complete an Irregularity Report.

29 Prohibited Items in the Test Room  Cell phones or other electronic devices  Calculators may be used during the Mathematics Test but they must be turned off and put away when the examinee is not working on that test.  Textbooks, foreign language or other dictionaries, scratch paper, reading material, notes, or any unapproved testing aids are not allowed in the testing room.  Highlighters, colored pens or pencils, and mechanical pencils are not allowed.  Backpacks or bags  Neither examinees nor staff may have access to food or beverages, including water, except during the scheduled break.

30 Use of Digital Devices by Examinees  LEA personnel will make all students, parents and/or guardians aware of this prohibition through inclusion of this policy in the Student Code of Conduct Handbook and other regularly used modes of communication.  The possession of a digital device (including but not limited to cell phones, smart watches, MP3 players, cameras, or other telecommunication devices capable of capturing or relaying information) is strictly prohibited during the administration of a secure test. If a student is observed in possession of a digital device during the administration of a secure test then the device will be confiscated.  If a student is observed using a digital device during the administration of a secure test, testing for the student will cease, the device will be confiscated and is subject to search, the student will be dismissed from testing, and the student’s test will be invalidated.

31 Administering the Tests  Verbal instructions may begin as soon as all examinees have been identified and seated, no later than 9:00 a.m. in all rooms.  If any room starts later than 9:00 a.m., document the time and reason on the Irregularity Report.  Absolutely no one may be admitted to the test room after test booklets have been distributed. If this policy is violated, the answer documents for the examinees admitted late will not be scored.  Review the verbal instructions carefully before test day to make sure you read the correct ones.  As answer documents are distributed, be sure each examinee receives the answer document with his or her name on the barcode label.  Room Supervisors must personally hand one test booklet individually to each examinee, in sequential serial number order only to examinees who are in the room.

32 Timing the Tests  As you begin timing each test, enter the actual Start time (e.g., 8:42) on the Testing Time Verification Form. Calculate the Stop time, then the verbal announcement of 5 minutes remaining (subtract 5 minutes from the Stop time) and enter those times. You may use the chart provided for each test to calculate the times.  You must enter the actual times of day you announce START, 5 minutes remaining, and STOP on the Time Verification Form.  A verbal announcement of time remaining MUST be made five minutes before the end of each test.  Posting the Start and Stop times or time allowed for each test on the board is optional.

33  Make a note of the time each examinee completes each test and calculate the minutes actually used by each examinee on that test. Enter this number on the Administration Report.  Timing code 6 (time-and-a-half, single session) is the only timing code that is self-paced. You must record the total minutes used by each examinee on all tests (e.g., from the START of Test 1 to the time the examinee completes his or her last test). Timing the Tests

34 Calculators  ACT permits examinees to use a calculator on the Mathematics Test (Test 2) but not on any of the other tests.  ACT provides an updated list of prohibited devices (Calculator Policy) to Test Coordinators each test date.  Each Room Supervisor must have a copy of the current list to refer to during Test 2.

35 Checking for Prohibited Behaviors by Examinees  Review guidelines for checking for prohibited behaviors carefully.  Throughout testing, walk quietly around the room to discourage and detect prohibited behavior.  Document all prohibited behavior and any actions you take on the Irregularity Report.  If you dismiss an examinee for prohibited behavior, follow the Dismissal for Prohibited Behavior procedures.  Examinees may look at and work only on the current test.

36 Break After Test 2  ACT requires that you allow a break of 15 minutes at the end of Test 2.  The break may NOT include lunch. If it does, scores for all examinees may be cancelled.  Do not delay or lengthen the break in your room to wait for other rooms. You MUST resume testing no later than 15 minutes after STOP is called on Test 2.  If the break is longer than 15 minutes, explain why on the Irregularity Report.  Breaks longer than 15 minutes will be questioned and may result in cancelled scores.  Do not leave the test room unattended. Break Before the Writing Test  Once the multiple-choice test booklets have been collected and verified after Test 4, allow examinees a 5-minute break to relax and sharpen their pencils before the writing test.  Do NOT leave the test room unattended.  Resume testing after five minutes.  Do NOT distribute the writing test booklets during the break.

37 Examinees Who Leave During a Test and Return  Examinees may go to the restroom during testing, but it is best not to announce it.  Examinees who leave the test room during a timed test or return after timing has begun may NOT make up lost time. The absence need not be recorded on the Irregularity Report.  If two or more examinees are permitted to leave at the same time, or if other rooms have been dismissed, the examinees must be accompanied by a Proctor.  If no Proctor is available, only one examinee may leave the room at a time.  Do not leave a test room unsupervised at any time.

38 Guessing  If examinees ask about guessing, refer them to the instructions printed on the front cover of the test booklet.  Do not comment on or add in any way to the printed directions.

39 Group Irregularities A group irregularity is one that affects a group of examinees. If this occurs, follow the directed instructions and call ACT. Complete an Irregularity Report and describe in detail any irregularity, especially those that could affect test scores. Include the names of examinees who were dismissed from or who left the test site without completing all their tests. Attach any affected answer documents. If you must interrupt a timed test, instruct examinees to stop testing and close their test booklets with their answer documents inside; record the elapsed time. Collect the materials if necessary to maintain security. When you resume testing, begin timing where you left off to give examinees the remaining time allowed for that test. If the interval timer is significant, add two minutes to the remaining time for that test so examinees can regain their concentration. If you cannot resume testing, contact ACT promptly for instructions. Complete an Irregularity Report.

40 Individual Irregularities An individual irregularity is one that affects a single person or several individuals involved in a single circumstance (e.g., communicating answers to each other). Follow directions in manual for reporting each type of irregularity.

41 Verbal Instructions for Standard Time Testing  Before reading the verbal instructions, make sure you have all the forms needed. The forms, which are located in the back of the Administration Manual, include o State and District Testing Roster o Test Booklet Count Form o Seating Diagram o Testing Time Verification Form o Irregularity Report  Non-test portions of the answer document may NOT be completed on test day—not before and not after the tests. If examinees are allowed to complete any of the non-test portions on the initial or makeup test date, or allowed to handle answer documents after testing, the answer documents will NOT be scored.  Verbal instructions must be read loudly, clearly, and exactly as written. You may NOT depart from the text.

42 Using DVDs With DVDs, examinees may test as a group if they have their own headphones, can control the progress of their own players, and are all working on the same test at the same time. All examinees approved for oral presentation are assigned timing code 3—Triple Time. They will receive a test booklet with which to follow along. If using computers, the drive must have “DVD” in the title. Each test is self-contained on one disc. You will receive ACT DVD Usage Guidelines with each set of discs. Read these guidelines and consult with your technical staff before the first scheduled test date..

43 After the Test  Immediately after testing is completed on each test date (initial and makeup), the Test Coordinator must account for all test materials.  Make sure to keep your standard materials separate from any accommodations materials. Required Transfer of Responses to Answer Document  If an examinee marked responses in the test booklet or used a large type worksheet, the Test Coordinator must arrange to accurately transfer the responses to the answer document in the examinee’s presence.

44 Makeup Testing If an examinee did not complete testing on the initial test date, you must decide whether to schedule the examinee for makeup testing. Examinees scheduled for makeup testing must take all tests on the makeup test date. Test booklets are different for each test date. ACT will send materials for makeup testing. You must use the test booklets shipped to you for makeup testing. Do not use test booklets assigned for the initial test date on the makeup test date. Scores will be cancelled if this occurs.

45 Monitoring Guidelines The LEA should establish a schedule for monitoring the administration of all assessments. Personnel for monitoring should include central office staff in addition to Principals. Monitoring forms should be kept on file in the LEA. The ALSDE staff will also monitor the administration of assessments. The staff member will arrive at the designated school the morning of the visit. The school staff will then contact the central office. The monitoring visit will be followed by a letter to the System’s Superintendent with copies to both the System Test Coordinator and the Principal of the school that was monitored. Copies of monitoring forms for each assessment that will be used by the ALSDE Staff are included in the individual handbooks. LEAs should use these forms. In addition, specific guidelines will be provided for monitoring the ACT with Writing.

46 Monitor Responsibilities The Monitor’s responsibilities with respect to Student Assessment Program activities are as follows: Attends appropriate training sessions concerning the Student Assessment Program. Becomes thoroughly familiar with the Test Administrator/Room Supervisor manuals prior to testing. Arrives before testing begins. Follows procedures outlined on the monitoring or observation form. Observes without engaging in the testing process to see that all procedures are followed (distribution of materials, administration of test, collection of materials, etc.). Completes documentation of monitoring visit and gives it to the System Test Coordinator. Reports testing irregularities immediately to the System Test Coordinator. Does not interact with students during testing.

47 General Accommodation Information  Examinees may take the ACT with Writing only with accommodations authorized in advance by ACT.  ACT will send an authorization letter to the school’s Test Coordinator to be shared with each examinee approved by ACT for accommodations.  ACT assigns test materials by serial number to each examinee. These are listed on the Test Materials Distribution List. Only the authorized examinee may use the materials assigned to him or her; they may NOT be used by another examinee or transferred to any other location.  Tests administered using materials assigned to another examinee or transferred from any other location will NOT be scored.

48 Timing Codes and Guidelines  Each examinee with ACT-approved accommodations has an assigned timing code that identifies the timing guidelines authorized for that examinee and determines which verbal instructions must be read to that examinee.  To schedule testing for an examinee, read the timing code listed below each examinee’s reference number on the ACT Test Accommodations Roster.  For Timing codes 2, 3, 5, and 7, testing may occur over multiple days; however, each test must be completed during a single session.  For Timing code 8, all tests must be completed in a single session.  Timing code 6 is the ONLY timing code that authorizes examinees to pace themselves through each test within the total time allowed—all tests must be administered in a single session.

49 Special Testing Reference Number (Block T)  The seven-digit Reference Number printed before the examinee’s name on the ACT Test Accommodations Roster must be entered in Block T of the answer document.  Before the first test day, record on the ACT Administration Report the number for each examinee scheduled to test.  Make sure each examinee enters the number in the boxes AND grids the corresponding ovals accurately.


51 Homebound Students  If an examinee is receiving homebound services and will take ACT with Writing, ALSDE must be notified. Return a completed copy of the Homebound Student Form, to ALSDE.  Test booklets utilized in homebound testing should be securely bound and marked “Confidential” before they are released from the Local Education Agency (LEA) distribution point. The package should be opened only in the testing environment. Test booklets and answer documents should be securely bound again before they are transported back to the LEA distribution point.  The ACT Test Booklet Count Form must be signed by the Building or System Test Coordinator and the Test Administrator when they are picked up and when they are returned.  One Test Administrator and one Proctor are required to administer ACT with Writing assessments to an examinee requiring homebound services. Both the Test Administrator and the Proctor must be certificated employees.  The school will make sure that the homebound site is treated just as any other test environment.  No parents or other visitors may be present in the room utilized for testing.  No distractions.

52 Alabama State Department of Education Maggie Hicks 334-242-8038 Verification of Attendance : Complete page 2 of the LEA Report of Training Activities. Send to me via email or fax (334-242-7341).

53 ACT with Writing Online Testing Spring 2016


55 Online Testing Overview  PearsonAccessnext is the web application used by testing staff (i.e., Test Coordinators, Room Supervisors) to start and monitor tests. It is located at  Technical Coordinators are not required to access PearsonAccessnext unless their site is using proctor caching.  TestNav is the secure test delivery engine used by examinees to take the tests. It is located at  The ACT with Writing Online Testing must be given using a “locked down” testing engine; TestNav.  Disabling the lock-down is strictly prohibited. Computers used for testing must also be configured to prevent examinees from accessing any application, content, or other service beyond TestNav during testing.

56 Testing Facilities for Online Testing Computers must meet all of the minimum system requirements, pass all site readiness checkpoints, and the school must maintain administrator rights to any laptops to ensure they meet all technical requirements. iPads are not permitted. Test rooms must be set up according to ACT requirements. If these requirements are not met, scores may be cancelled. Whenever possible, individual testing workstations should be divided by test carrels that provide adequate privacy between examinees. There must be sufficient aisle space for staff to get to every seat during testing without disturbing examinees. Staff must be able to see every examinee clearly. The workstations must provide enough space for examinees to work comfortably and use calculators and scratch paper.

57 Computer-Based Test Administrations for ACT with Writing Online Testing  Each online testing room must have a separate computer workstation the Room Supervisor will use to access the platform, begin and close the test session, and monitor testing progress.  The workstation must pass the System Check and be located in an area where the Room Supervisor can see all examinees in the room.  Whether a desktop or a laptop is used as the workstation, the computer must remain stationary on a table or a desk throughout the test session.  The Room Supervisor may not exit the program and enter any other site on the computer during the test session.  No iPads, cell phones, smart watches, tablets, or other electronic devices may be accessible or used in the test room. These devices MUST NOT be used as timers.

58  A Proctor is required for one to twenty-five examinees assigned to a room. Proctors

59 Test Accommodations for Online Testing  For an examinee testing online, you may provide local arrangements without review and approval by ACT if ALL of the following conditions are met: o The examinee must test in one session with standard time. o The examinee must not receive additional breaks. o The examinee must use the same computer configuration as other examinees. o The accommodations must be consistent with the examinee’s plan on file at the school. o Accommodations must not disrupt testing, or provide an advantage to the examinee over other examinees.  Examples of local arrangements that can be made without ACT approval are: o Assigned seating (e.g., at the front of the room, at a table instead of a desk). o Testing in a quiet environment (e.g., small group or individual room). o Wheelchair access. o Diabetics may eat snacks in the test room, but should test separately to avoid disturbing other examinees. o A written copy of the Verbal Instructions or a sign language interpreter to interpret the Verbal Instructions.

60 Setting up Computers  Room Supervisors will set up computers before admitting examinees to the room.  On the administrative computer, open PearsonAccessnext at  On each testing computer with browser-based TestNav, open an approved browser and launch TestNav at  On each testing computer with installable TestNav, launch the TestNav application.  On each Chromebook, launch the TestNav application.

61 Returning Materials  Immediately after testing is completed in each test room, the Test Coordinator must account for all test materials.  Materials to be returned to the Test Coordinator include: o completed roster with every name marked either as absent, denied, or with the type of ID accepted o the bundled student authorization tickets and scratch paper for every examinee o all unused tickets o all used and unused scratch paper o the Online Administration Manual and the Online Special Testing Manual o the completed Seating Diagram

62 Verbal Instructions  Provide only the seal code for the test that is about to begin. Do not provide codes for other tests or write them on the board.  The tests must be administered in the order listed. If this order is altered, scores will be cancelled.  Make sure all examinees are logged out of TestNav.  Do not dismiss any examinee until you have verified that the number of student authorization tickets collected equals the number distributed.

63 Managing Materials after Testing  In addition to the materials to be collected listed in “Posttest Activities”  Bundle the accommodations materials together to keep them separate from the standard time materials but return them in same envelope with the standard time materials, according to the instructions on page 74 of the ACT Administration Manual for Online Standard Time Testing.  In addition to the materials listed in step 2 of How to Pack and Return the Test materials in the After Testing section of the ACT Administration Manual for Online Standard Time Testing, insert the following documents into the envelope. o the TAA PIN report o completed ACT Administration Reports o completed ACT Testing Staff List (ACT-approved accommodations)


65 ACT 800.553.6244, ext. 2800 Accommodations Testing 800.553.6244, ext. 1788

66 Alabama State Department of Education Maggie Hicks 334-242-8038 Verification of Attendance : Complete page 2 of the LEA Report of Training Activities. Send to me via email or fax (334-242-7341).

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