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Mission Success By: Anthony Anderson Industry Initiatives for Science and Math Education (IISME) 2014 Summer Fellowship at Lockheed Martin Space Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Mission Success By: Anthony Anderson Industry Initiatives for Science and Math Education (IISME) 2014 Summer Fellowship at Lockheed Martin Space Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mission Success By: Anthony Anderson Industry Initiatives for Science and Math Education (IISME) 2014 Summer Fellowship at Lockheed Martin Space Systems

2  “Space Systems Company designs, develops, test, manufactures and operates a full spectrum of advanced-technology systems for national security, civil and commercial customers.”  About Space Systems

3 Expected School Wide Learning Results Sample ESLRS  Upon graduation students will:  Be Prepared for College  Act Responsibly  Communicate Effectively  Think Critically  Be Creative  Stay Current

4 Discussion Questions  Which ESLRs do you think you need in order to work at Lockheed Martin?  Can you visualize situations that would demonstrate these skills?  What do you think is the most important skill you can learn from school? Why?  Which of the given skills do you feel is demonstrated or taught the least? Why?

5 Formative Assessment 1. What are your school’s ESLRs? 2. Give 2 example behaviors of each ESLR? 3. Which ESLR represents your school the most? 4. Which ESLR represents your school the least? 5. Which ESLR is most important to you?

6 ESLR 1: Be Prepared for College  Students interacting with their teacher to better understand the content helps them learn and thus prepare them for college.  Claim: Classes where students ask a lot of questions should have higher class grade average  Observed Behavior: Students will ask the teachers question for better understanding?  Duration of Observations: 1 Day, 3 Subject Classes, 100 minutes each  Method of recording: Manual Tally Count  Method of reporting: Histogram

7 Evidence

8 Justification  The number of questions students ask in class is not a good measure of being prepared for college because it appears to vary from subject to subject. In fact, in my English class the failing students asked more questions than those that passed.

9 The Investigative Process  For this assignment you will spend a week gathering data that you have determine to be valuable. Just like the sample data shown earlier.  In small groups please complete the following preliminary information for each of your schools ESLRs. After checking with your group on feasibility, have your teach confirm your work.

10 Key Steps:  Chose claims that can be measured with quantifiable data.  It is difficult to evaluate opinions (IMO).  Give yourself enough time to both gather data and evaluate it.  Finishing your research the day its due is not a good idea  Use technology  There are several survey programs online and in social media

11 Preliminary Investigation  ESLR:  Claim:  Observable Behavior:  Method of Recording (Technology):  Method of Reporting (Graph Type):  Predicted Outcome that supports claim:  Predicted Outcome that refutes claim:

12 Student Investigation Form Complete this form for each ESLR  ESLR:  Claim:  Observable Behavior:  Number of times Observed:

13 Summative Assessment 1. What are your school’s ESLRs? 2. Give 2 example behaviors of each ESLR? 3. After your finding, which ESLR represents your school the most? 4. After your finding, which ESLR represents your school the least? 5. What was the observed ESLR based on your classes’ finding? 6. What would you have the school do differently to improve the occurrence of the ESLRs in the classroom?

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