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In Your Mind Carol Ann Duffy. Objectives To explore how Duffy describes imagination and day dreaming through language and structure.

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Presentation on theme: "In Your Mind Carol Ann Duffy. Objectives To explore how Duffy describes imagination and day dreaming through language and structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 In Your Mind Carol Ann Duffy

2 Objectives To explore how Duffy describes imagination and day dreaming through language and structure

3 Starter  What do you day dream of?  Why do we day dream?

4 What does this image make us think of?


6 In Your Mind Read the poem through and explore how the speaker leaves the boring job and enters into her daydream.

7 Content The poem is about how the speaker is bored of their job and the rubbish weather and leaves everything behind for her daydream.

8 Title Why is the poem called ‘In your mind’ and not ‘in her/his/their mind?

9 Stanza 1 1. What is the ‘other country’? 2. Why is the daydream anticipated or half-remembered? 3. What ‘muffles’ the vision? 4. Why does the speaker leave their coat and credit card behind? 5. What is the simile in the last line and what is the effect? What do newspapers remind us of?

10 Stanza 2 1. ‘Their faces are photographs on the wrong side of your eyes’. What does this metaphor mean? 2. What is the simile in line 11? What is the effect it has on the moon? 3. How does the poet describe the setting sun? How does this make the scene feel? 4. Why does the speaker deny the moon landings?

11 Stanza 3 1. What effect does the use of caesura have in the first line? 2. The painting on the wall could be a metaphor to how the speaker feels in their real job back home…how do they feel? 3. What sounds do we hear in this stanza? What effect do they have on us? 4. What is the overall tone of the poem so far?

12 Stanza 4 1. ‘Lost but not lost’ is a strange expression. What could it mean? 2. Why does the daydream focus on the ‘blue bridge’ and ‘swans’. 3. What brings the poet back to reality? 4. What do the short sentences in the last line do for the reader?

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