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CIRTL Network Meeting 11:00-12:30 ET/ 10:00-11:30 CT/ 9:00-10:30 MT / 8:00-9:30 PT This meeting will be recorded Begin by running.

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Presentation on theme: "CIRTL Network Meeting 11:00-12:30 ET/ 10:00-11:30 CT/ 9:00-10:30 MT / 8:00-9:30 PT This meeting will be recorded Begin by running."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIRTL Network Meeting 11:00-12:30 ET/ 10:00-11:30 CT/ 9:00-10:30 MT / 8:00-9:30 PT This meeting will be recorded Begin by running the Audio Setup Wizard Select : Tools>Audio> Audio Setup Wizard or select the audio wizard icon Backup Call-in: Toll-free Number 1 (888) 291-0310 Passcode: 8846 941#

2 Agenda Announcements MOUs/Invoices First Initiative Presentations In-person meeting (Friday and Saturday, March 1-2, 2013) Other? First Initiatives TIGER Diversity Outreach on Campus (TIGER DOC) Laura Border, University of Colorado at Boulder Basics of Online Learning and Teaching short course Don Gillian-Daniel, University of Wisconsin-Madison Needs Assessment for cross-Network Activities and Opportunities

3 MOUs

4  Graduate Teacher Program TIGER DOC Project Laura L. B. Border & Tamara Williams Van Horn

5 Background  Diversity is a core value of the University of Colorado. CU believes all students—regardless of ethnic, racial, political, gender, religious, intellectual, and geographical background—will have a more enriching college experience when they are exposed to a plurality of ideas, viewpoints, life experiences, and rapidly evolving perspectives on national identity. The university continually seeks to create a more inclusive university community—one that fosters an academic climate that is productive, positive, safe, and respectful of all viewpoints.

6 Background CU Boulder’s Blueprint for Action plan has three primary goals:  To build and maintain an inclusive campus environment  To recruit, support, retain, and graduate a diverse student population  To maintain and enhance diversity in employment of staff, faculty, and administrators.

7 Diversity and Excellence – 2011-12 Student Data  Undergraduate minority enrollment as a percent of total undergraduate enrollment has increased over the past ten years from 14% in 2002 to 18% in 2011. (830/3163 total excluding internationals)  Graduate minority enrollment as a percent of total graduate enrollment has increased over the past ten years from 10% to 12%.  Degrees awarded to minority students have increased by 28% since 2002 (from 591 to 755 degrees).

8 Faculty Data  The percentage of female tenured/tenure track faculty has increased over the course of ten years, from 27% to 33%.  The percentage of minority tenured/tenure track faculty has increased over the same time period by 5 percentage points, from 14% to 19%.  The percentage of minority non-tenured/tenure track regular instructional faculty has increased over the same time period by 4 percentage points, from 7% to 11%.

9 Background  2007–Spring 2012: 207 CU Boulder students from 43 departments attended GTP diversity workshops (46 or 22% were from STEM departments)  Graduate students report that they want more activities, strategies, and in-depth instruction around issues of diversity  CIRTL grant proposal January 2012 included: TIGER Diversity on Campus plan

10 TIGER DOC Phases 1. Compilation of local information 2. Focus groups with local diversity staff 3. Online survey of CU-Boulder instructors 4. Summer training program for graduate teachers 5. Evaluation of first year project 6. Revised and improved training for summer 2014

11 TIGER DOC Timeline  Spring 2012: first meetings with graduate student researchers to begin project  Summer 2012: Research on feedback from GTP’s Diversity Workshops; study of local campus diversity research projects; identification of local campus office staff that deal with diversity; development of IRB for Focus Group Research  Fall 2012: Focus Group Research: 4 groups of diversity program staff

12 Major Themes from Focus Groups 1. Policy issues: honor code and disability accommodations 2. Student issues: diverse students report experiencing a mixture of hyper visibility and being ignored 3. Teaching issues: students report that instructors lack interactional skills

13 Spring Semester Plan 1. Develop instructor survey based on focus group feedback 2. Deploy survey 3. Analyze survey 4. Create training plan and materials

14 Summer 2013 Plan 1. Finalize training content, schedule, materials 2. Training: week of July 8–12, 2013

15 Opportunity for CIRTL Network Collaboration 1. Missouri disability project 2. Others?

16 Online professional development : Learning how to teach effectively online Don Gillian-Daniel (Delta Program) in collaboration with Erin McCloskey (Distance Education Professional Development) University of Wisconsin-Madison 17 January 2013

17 The initiative: An online course to teach future faculty how to teach effectively online Development of course unit Asynchronous Synchronous Blended

18 Organization of the course Asynchronous SynchronousBlended Self-directed (5-10 hrs in Moodle) Topics include: – Nature of the online environment – Course models and principles – Basic pedagogical frameworks – Role of instructor – Role of student/learner

19 Organization of the course AsynchronousSynchronousBlended Blackboard collaborate or face-to-face (~4hrs) Addresses the Four dimensions of online teaching: – Pedagogical – Social – Managerial – Technical

20 Organization of the course Asynchronous SynchronousBlended Moodle, Blackboard collaborate or face-to-face Ongoing conversations along with development & refinement of course units Likely topics include: – Activity design – Assessment – Course management

21 Implementation plans and progress Initial development of units for asynchronous module is complete – Topics, activities, readings and resourced identified for each module – Working to infuse CIRTL pillars into each topical unit Creating a course evaluation plan In the process of developing materials and structure for Synchronous and Blended components

22 Next steps: Is this course something that you think would benefit future faculty on your campus?

23 Cross Network Needs Assessment Working Group Rique Campa - MSU Jeff Engler - UAB Robin Greenler – CIRTL Central George Justice - Mizzou Jenny Hadingham - Rochester Alistair Kwan - Rochester Judy Milton – UGA (Chair) Rick Pollenz - USF Bob Mathieu – UW/CIRTL Central Kitch Barnicle – CIRTL Central

24 Working Group Charge Overarching Goal Effective cross-Network learning community programs and opportunities that accomplish the CIRTL mission, comprising a diverse blend of activities based on the CIRTL core ideas and evolving to suit needs of future faculty development across the CIRTL Network institutions. Charge to Needs Assessment Working Group (draft) Develop an understanding from each institution of currently perceived needs from the cross-Network learning community for the development of their future faculty. Deliver a report of findings at the March 21 Network meeting.

25 Needs Assessment Draft Timeline (Fall courses on separate timeline) Draft NA survey completedFeb 12 NA Survey put onlineFeb 15 NA Survey testedFeb 18 NA survey sent outFeb 18 NA survey return deadlineFeb 28 Needs assessment final reportMarch 15 Presentation of final NA report March 21 (Network Meeting) Requests for summer & AY 2013-14 Category 1 cross-Net offerings March 21 Cross-Network proposals for summer & AY 2013-14 Category 1 due April 4 Cross-Network Operations Group decision on proposed offeringsApril 18

26 Blue Sky Cross-Network Ideas Given your plans for your local CIRTL learning community, what activities or opportunities do your graduate students and post-docs need from the cross- Network Learning Community in order to enhance their preparation as future STEM faculty?

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