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2016 – 2020 Strategic Plan Commissioning Intentions 2016/17 Anna Hargrave 23 rd September 2015.

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1 2016 – 2020 Strategic Plan Commissioning Intentions 2016/17 Anna Hargrave 23 rd September 2015

2 Purpose Provide an overview of the context and the process to date To get your initial feedback To launch the consultation process and associated timelines

3 What is commissioning? “Commissioning is not one action but many, ranging from the health needs assessment for a population, identification of clinical outcomes, service specification, contract negotiation or procurement with continuous quality assessment.” “Successful commissioning means delivering the right outcomes at the right cost.” National Audit Office

4 The Commissioning Cycle Our focus for 2016- 2020 will cover all elements of the commissioning cycle. Priorities, the scale of some of our projects and resource means we will mix our work – exploring options, procuring services and reviewing what we have delivered. Projects may take 2 to 3 years.

5 Strategic Drivers National Level Five Year Forward View Everyone Counts: Planning for Patients 2014/15 to 2018/19 Key reports around patient care, quality and safety (Francis, Winterbourne and Bubb, Berwick, Right Here; Right Now) Warwickshire Level Transformational Change: Transforming Lives Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Better Together CCG Level CCG local activity, financial performance and local knowledge/feedback CCG delivery of business as usual (assurance, financial targets) – creating the headroom to deliver change

6 Warwickshire Strategic Drivers - Vision Transformational Change: Transforming Lives Coventry and Warwickshire CCGs’ Strategic Plan 2014 -2019

7 Warwickshire Strategic Drivers - JSNA Population change - increasing and ageing Lifestyle factors affecting health and wellbeing Mental Wellbeing Long Term Limiting Illnesses (Long Term Conditions) Dementia Disability Carers Children and Young People

8 Warwickshire Strategic Drivers – Better Together

9 Local Drivers for NHS South Warwickshire CCG Integrated Operating Plan 2013-2016 – so requires an update Annual Commissioning intentions required - these need to fit within the strategy, operating plan and be shared and discussed with partners Desire to create a much stronger member and public narrative Organisational confidence Quick wins have been achieved Financial balance becoming more and more challenging as is pressure on resource

10 Local Drivers ‘Needs’ based decision making/prioritisation Outcomes based commissioning More collaboration with partner organisations and a recognised need for transformational change - so we have more integrated patient centred care delivered out of hospital AND YET ………………….. We have seen an increase in spend of + £15m to the acute hospital

11 Mental Health Dementia Cancer Ageing Population Vulnerable Children Increasing Population Increasing Acute Activity Five Year Forward View JSNA Quality Prevention Financial Challenge Long Term Conditions Carers NHS111/OOH Stroke Maternity Model Social Prescribing CAMHS Learning Disabilities Patient Care Patient Experience Safety Primary Care Local Drivers – a plethora of priorities Better Together

12 2016 -2020 Strategic Plan Needs to – Deliver improved health and wellbeing outcomes for the population of south Warwickshire – consider national, Warwickshire and local drivers – be based on need – deliver value for money – be developed with partners, patients and the public – be clear and easily understood with a compelling narrative – be measurable – balance planning for tomorrow and delivery today

13 Process so far CCG Executive Team spent 2 days off site identifying 4 main priority areas – or cornerstones for the CCG Strategic Plan 2016 - 2020 These ‘cornerstones’ have been shared and further developed with CCG Team and our local partners (SWFT, CWPT, PPPG and WCC) and have shaped the Commissioning Intentions for 2016/17 Commissioning Intentions 2016 – 2017 again have been shared with partners and have continued to be evolved



16 Next steps Both documents will be available for comment on the CCG website shortly. Links will be sent to all our key stakeholders for comment (including GP members, Public and Patient Participation Group, Health Champions and all of our partners. Consultation closes 30 th October 2015. Final versions of the documents will be published by the end of November 2015. An Annual Business Plan for 2016-2017 which will set out all the tasks/projects will be produced in the New Year.

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