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Vision: Every child in every district receives the instruction that they need and deserve…every day. Oregon Response to Intervention Vision: Every child.

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Presentation on theme: "Vision: Every child in every district receives the instruction that they need and deserve…every day. Oregon Response to Intervention Vision: Every child."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vision: Every child in every district receives the instruction that they need and deserve…every day. Oregon Response to Intervention Vision: Every child in every district receives the instruction that they need and deserve…every day. Student Learning and Growth Goals and RTI Data: A Harmonic Convergence! Sarah Phillips, ODE Brian Putnam, ODE Lisa Bates, ORTIi

2 Oregon Response to Intervention Group Norms –Fully present –Share your expertise –Equity of voice –Active listening –Respect the current speaker – no side conversations –Respectful use of technology

3 Oregon Response to Intervention Guiding Question How can the RTI process augment & support the SLG process?

4 Oregon Response to Intervention Big Ideas for this Session Purpose of Both SLG and RTI: –Improve instructional practices for educators –Improve outcomes for students Key concepts –Identifying appropriate targets –Ambitious/rigorous but attainable goals

5 Oregon Response to Intervention Educator Effectiveness components Two components of the Educator Evaluation system: Professional Practice (PP)/Professional Responsibility (PR) (i.e, Danielson, Marshall) –Constitutes the majority of the summative evaluation score Student Learning and Growth Combined in the Matrix (discussed later)

6 Oregon Response to Intervention Requirements for SLG Goals: Category 1 Minimum of 2 SLG goals each year –Category 1: Teachers in grades 4-8 (proposed in the waiver) ELA & Math must use State assessment Statewide assessments (Category 1) not required for SLG goals in 2014-15 –Category 1 measures are required in 2015-16 Districts must use Oregon Matrix to determine summative scores

7 Oregon Response to Intervention Requirements for SLG Goals: Category 2 Category 2: School or district created, or standardized, purchased assessment tool (DIBELS, EasyCBM, etc.) –Quality Review Checklist and scoring rubric must be used for category 2 goals Districts must use Oregon Matrix to determine summative scores

8 Oregon Response to Intervention Harmonic Convergence: Category 2 Assessments and RTI

9 Oregon Response to Intervention Required Components of SLG Goals 1.Content (Standards) 2.Assessment (Focus of today’s conversation) 3.Context 4.Baseline Data 5.Student Growth Goals (Targets) 6.Rationale 7.Strategies 8.Professional Learning & Support veness/slgg-guidance.doc

10 Oregon Response to Intervention Tiered Targets Students enter the classroom with a range of knowledge and skills Tiered targets help ensure that each student is appropriately challenged Tiers typically set for groups of students with similar performance Tiered targets allow for more realistic expectations for goal attainment

11 Oregon Response to Intervention Approved Assessments External source: –Off-the-shelf/Open e ducational resources District/school-developed Hybrid 2

12 Oregon Response to Intervention Using RTI Assessments for the SLG Process

13 Oregon Response to Intervention Pros and Cons of Typical RTI Assessment Tools DIBELS, easyCBM, AIMSweb, Other CBMs Pros: Proven Effectiveness: Standardized, Reliable, Valid Cons: Intended purpose is to support instructional decision making, not teacher evaluation

14 SLG Goals and RTI Data 100% Meetings Educator Effectiveness Tiered Class Goals Professional Practice/Responsibility Category 1 Goals Category 2 Goals Grade Level DIBELS Next Data: Composite PSF LNF NWF ORF: Accuracy Fluency Recall Daze

15 Oregon Response to Intervention Purpose: 100% Data Meetings Determine if the grade level is benefiting from core instruction AND Refine core instruction to better meet the needs of ALL students at the grade level.

16 Oregon Response to Intervention General Features When: 2-3 times per year (following collection of your schoolwide screening data) Who: Principal Literacy Specialist/Title I Counselor Grade level team Could include SPED, ELL, School Psychologist, Paraprofessionals

17 Oregon Response to Intervention General Features What: Use schoolwide screening data to answer questions about core instruction Outcomes: Identify which of the 5 Big Ideas need additional focus AND develop a plan (with a goal) for improving grade level achievement

18 Oregon Response to Intervention Is the grade level where we want them to be? 5% 15% At least 80% 15% 25% 60% Where we areWhere we want to be Is it a whole grade level need or a some kids need?

19 Vocabulary Phonemic Awareness Phonics (Alphabetic Principle) Phonics (Alphabetic Principle) Oral Reading Accuracy & Fluency Oral Reading Accuracy & Fluency Why is the problem happening? Reading Comprehension Foundational Skills

20 Oregon Response to Intervention What is the priority skill need? 5 Big IdeasPercentage of Students at Benchmark Comprehension Vocabulary Fluency Phonics Phonemic Awareness 85% 60% 65% 75% 57% We want the priority skill to be close to 80% (at least)

21 Oregon Response to Intervention What Target do you Select for your SLG Goal? Combination of student need and area for instructional improvement Instructionally specific; related to standards Listen to the data!

22 Oregon Response to Intervention Targets for Tiers Once you’ve picked you goal area (i.e., ORF Accuracy), set Tiered Targets for GROWTH for ALL STUDENTS Example: –At Benchmark or above: Increase Mean –Decrease students at Strategic –Decrease students Intensive

23 Oregon Response to Intervention How much growth is “good”? General Trimester Guidelines

24 Oregon Response to Intervention Ambitious Goals Factors to consider: –What has been typical in the past? Use this as a minimum starting point of reference –Lower vs. Higher grade levels –Look at class list and how close students are to attaining the next level –What is desirable???

25 Oregon Response to Intervention

26 Oregon Response to Intervention Make common agreements: Curriculum Instruction Environment How should we address the priority skill need(s)? And provide professional learning opportunities to allow staff to implement these agreements

27 27 Student Learning Instruction:Curriculum: Environment:Learner: How you teach What you teach Where you teach Who you teach

28 Oregon Response to Intervention Curriculum To increase student achievement… Tie the materials to the priority skill. Increase time spent on the priority skill.

29 Oregon Response to Intervention Instruction To increase student achievement… Tie the instructional and active engagement strategies to the priority skill need.

30 Oregon Response to Intervention Environment: Behavior To increase student achievement… Use effect behavior management strategies to maximize instructional time for the priority skill.

31 Oregon Response to Intervention Professional Growth Cycle

32 Oregon Response to Intervention Role of SLG Goals in Evaluation Districts required to use the Oregon Matrix in determining summative scores –Y axis represents combined performance on PP and PR –X axis represents combined performance on 2 SLG goals –Use X and Y thresholds outlined in the Oregon Framework for Evaluation and Support Oregon Framework for Evaluation and Support Informs plan for professional growth

33 *Inquiry Process

34 Oregon Response to Intervention Talk Time Consider how this presentation impacts your work or the work of educators in the schools/districts with whom you work/coach What are some next steps you might consider to apply this content?

35 Oregon Response to Intervention Questions?

36 Oregon Response to Intervention Contacts Oregon RTI Lisa Bates David Putnam ODE Educator Effectiveness Team: Sarah Phillips Brian Putnam

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