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SWOT ILLUSTRATIONS Your own footerYour Logo StrengthsWeaknesses OpportunitiesThreats SWOT Text example Replace it with own Text example Replace it with.

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Presentation on theme: "SWOT ILLUSTRATIONS Your own footerYour Logo StrengthsWeaknesses OpportunitiesThreats SWOT Text example Replace it with own Text example Replace it with."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWOT ILLUSTRATIONS Your own footerYour Logo StrengthsWeaknesses OpportunitiesThreats SWOT Text example Replace it with own Text example Replace it with own Text example Internal External

2 SWOT ILLUSTRATIONS Your own footerYour Logo Strengths Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text

3 SWOT ILLUSTRATIONS Your own footerYour Logo Weaknesses Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text

4 SWOT ILLUSTRATIONS Your own footerYour Logo Opportunities Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text

5 SWOT ILLUSTRATIONS Your own footerYour Logo Threats Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text

6 SWOT ILLUSTRATIONS Your own footerYour Logo Weaknesses Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Strengths Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text INTERNAL ANALYSIS

7 SWOT ILLUSTRATIONS Your own footerYour Logo Threats Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Opportunities Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text EXTERNAL ANALYSIS

8 SWOT ILLUSTRATIONS Your own footerYour Logo SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Weaknesses Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Threats Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Opportunities Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text

9 SWOT ILLUSTRATIONS Your own footerYour Logo SWOT ANALYSIS Tasks Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text Text example Text example Replace it with own text

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