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A Christmas with Christ Chapters 2, 3, 4. Chapter 2 -Ebenezer Scrooge -Money’s affect on people… - “If I could work my will…” (Page 8) Pre-dream Scrooge.

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Presentation on theme: "A Christmas with Christ Chapters 2, 3, 4. Chapter 2 -Ebenezer Scrooge -Money’s affect on people… - “If I could work my will…” (Page 8) Pre-dream Scrooge."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Christmas with Christ Chapters 2, 3, 4

2 Chapter 2 -Ebenezer Scrooge -Money’s affect on people… - “If I could work my will…” (Page 8) Pre-dream Scrooge

3 Chapter 2 -Scrooge has a conversion, and desires to celebrate Christmas in his heart all year… that is the conversion we all should desire!

4 Chapter 2 -Tangible advice for Advent and deeper conversion: 1. Christmas is the feast of generosity and love 2. Adopt the simplicity of the stable

5 Chapter 2 3. Focus on the importance of others 4. Approach life with child-like wonder 5. Celebrate Christ every day

6 Chapter 2 6. When in doubt, Love! 7. Allow Christmas to soften your heart! 8. Examine your life!!

7 Chapter 3 - St. Francis introduces the idea of the Nativity scene in Grecio, Italy in 1223 - St. Francis used a manger in which to lay the baby Jesus - St. Francis used animals at the scene…it was a picture of simplicity

8 Chapter 3 - This tangible image of the birth of Christ spread, and Churches throughout Europe adopted the image for their Christmas celebrations. - The components of the stable are all important:

9 Chapter 3 - Shepherds- In Luke’s gospel alone. The message is clear: Jesus came for all of us; rich, poor, gentile or Jew. The shepherds are faithful and among the first disciples.

10 Chapter 3 - Angels- In Matthew’s gospel. They remind us to spread the good news. They are announcing the Good News! We should listen…whenever angels appear in scripture…there is a MAJOR message.

11 Chapter 3 - Animals surrounding Christ- These represent the true humility of Jesus’ birth. He was born into poverty among animals. He chose to be born to all humanity and not just those with luxury.

12 Chapter 3 - The Magi- In Matthew’s Gospel- Traditionally believed to be Melchoir of Arabia, he brought gold. Gaspar of Tarsus, he brought myrrh. Balthazar of Ethiopia, he brought frankincense. - Gold- kingship - Myrrh- foreshadows the death of Jesus - Frankincense- Jesus as high priest

13 Chapter 3 - The journey of the wisemen reminds us that we too must make sacrifices and find our own journey to Christ.

14 Chapter 3 John Donne- (Page 17) reminds us that Jesus’ sacrifice for us did not just happen on the cross, rather His sacrifice for us began at His birth.

15 Chapter 3 - The stable was a starting point towards Calvary. - Jesus gives Himself to us entirely from the moment He is born.

16 Chapter 3 - St. Augustine, on page 18 reminds us of what the significance of the manger is: - Manger= “to eat” Jesus will become our Eucharist.

17 Chapter 4 - Blue Christmas…ever heard of this? “The Christmas blues” - Lonely folks even among great activity.

18 Chapter 4 - Maybe we are a little restless at this time…that is a good thing. - But let the restlessness be for a yearning for Christ…not for getting lists accomplished!!!

19 Chapter 4 - How do we find joy?? - Eliminate the nonessentials - Stay in the minx

20 Chapter 4 - Focus on the true meaning of the season. - Be gentle with yourself. - Create a joyful atmosphere.

21 Chapter 4 - Think of the Grinch! How did he find joy? - How did Scrooge find joy?

22 Chapter 4 - The baby reminds us that we can find joy in the simplest aspects of life.

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