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A Primer on FTES Kathy Blackwood 10/14/04. What is an FTES? Full Time Equivalent Student Measurement of output (service) 1 FTES = 525 Student Contact.

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Presentation on theme: "A Primer on FTES Kathy Blackwood 10/14/04. What is an FTES? Full Time Equivalent Student Measurement of output (service) 1 FTES = 525 Student Contact."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Primer on FTES Kathy Blackwood 10/14/04

2 What is an FTES? Full Time Equivalent Student Measurement of output (service) 1 FTES = 525 Student Contact Hours 1 FTES = 1 student in class 15 hours per week for 35 weeks 1 FTES can be made up of many individual students

3 What is WSCH? Weekly Student Contact Hours 1 faculty member teaching a class of 30 students for 3 hours a week generates 90 semester WSCH A faculty member teaching 30 students 3 hours a week for two semesters generates 90 annual WSCH 15 WSCH for 35 weeks generates 1 FTES

4 What are FLCs? Faculty Load Credits are the measurement of a full time faculty 30 FLCs over 35 weeks is one full time faculty Different assignments have different FLCs 15 FLCs may or may not represent 15 hours per week

5 What is FTEF? Full Time Equivalent Faculty A faculty teaching 15 FLCs per week (30 FLCs for 2 semesters) generates 1 FTEF 1 FTEF can be made up of several individual faculty

6 What is load? Load is a measurement of productivity or efficiency WSCH/FTEF 1 faculty member teaching 35 students 15 hours per week for 35 weeks - 30 FLCs - generates 525 WSCH and has a load of 525 WSCH/FTEF

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