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NARRATOR and VOICE The narrator controls everything readers know about the characters and themes of a story. Notes from pages 170-171 of Elements of Literature.

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Presentation on theme: "NARRATOR and VOICE The narrator controls everything readers know about the characters and themes of a story. Notes from pages 170-171 of Elements of Literature."— Presentation transcript:

1 NARRATOR and VOICE The narrator controls everything readers know about the characters and themes of a story. Notes from pages 170-171 of Elements of Literature

2 Three Main Types of Narrators: Points of View: Omniscient First Person Third Person Limited

3 Omniscient Point of View: Omniscient Point of View: The All-Knowing Storyteller The narrator is not a character in the story. Usually do not refer to him/herself directly. OMNISCIENT means “all knowing”. Omniscient narrators are able to tell readers everything about each character. Thoughts and feelings

4 First-Person Point of View: “I” as the Storyteller The first-person narrator is a character in the story who talks to readers. Uses “I”- the 1 st person pronoun. persona Allows for a personal view of what’s happening. BUT we only know what he/she thinks and experiences and is willing to share.

5 Credibility of 1 st Person Narrator: Should Readers Trust Them?? Readers must always question the credibility of 1 st person narrator. UNRELIABLE NARRATOR Biased Does not, or cannot, tell the truth.

6 Third Person Limited: Focus on One Character Storyteller focuses on one character. Readers are clued into one character’s reactions to everything in the story. What readers learn about other characters is limited. Talks about characters using 3 rd person: He or she

7 TONE: Watch that Attitude! The attitude a speaker or writer takes towards a subject, character, or audience. A story’s tone can be described using a single word: Joyous, somber, humorous, serious, angry, ironic. When a story’s point of view is changed, the tone might change as well.

8 Voice: One-of-a-Kind Style The writer’s use of language and overall style. Created by writer’s tone and choice of words (diction). Tone is one aspect of voice that characterizes voice. Writers can sometimes be identified by the voice. Usually their voice remains consistent from work to work. In fiction, narrators can also be said to have voice. Created by manner of speaking, word choice and tone. Affects the way readers view charters, plot events and the story as a whole.

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