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Only Rain Down the Stormdrain. Is this you? Don’t scoop the poop. Don’t clean up spills. Love to fertilize the lawn.

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Presentation on theme: "Only Rain Down the Stormdrain. Is this you? Don’t scoop the poop. Don’t clean up spills. Love to fertilize the lawn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Only Rain Down the Stormdrain

2 Is this you? Don’t scoop the poop. Don’t clean up spills. Love to fertilize the lawn.

3 How about this? Toss the butts. Leave the leaks.

4 ….or this? Pet Waste Yard Debris Fertilizers & Pesticides Fertilizers & Pesticides Oil spills & hazardous household chemicals Oil spills & hazardous household chemicals Litter

5 So what?

6 What is left on the ground…

7 is picked up by rain…

8 flows to the nearest stormdrain…

9 out to the nearest creek…

10 Tyger …then out to our streams, rivers and the ocean.

11 Where you fish, swim and play

12 The Dirt on Runoff Harms fish and wildlife Cost money Major source of water pollution in SC Difficult to regulate and control Affects drinking water sources Oil from a single automobile engine can produce an eight-acre oil slick.

13 It all starts...

14 A city block generates 9 times more runoff than a woodland area of the same size.

15 Development Impacts on the Water Cycle 0-10% 50% 25% 20% 35% 50% University of Minnesota Extension Service

16 Pavement Woes increase in the amount and rate of flood waters reduced replenishment of groundwater increase in stream temperatures source of contaminants increase in the amount and rate of flood waters reduced replenishment of groundwater increase in stream temperatures source of contaminants

17 Common Stormwater Pollutants and Their Sources

18 Pollutant: Silt, sand, and clay particles and other debris Sources: construction sites, bare spots, wastewater from washing vehicles on driveways or streets, unprotected streambanks

19 Pollutant: Nutrients Sources: overused or spilled fertilizers, pet waste, grass clippings and leaves left on streets or sidewalks, leaves burned in ditches

20 Pollutants: Disease organisms, nutrients Sources: Animal waste and garbage

21 Pollutants: Vehicle fluids Sources: car, truck, and watercraft leaks and spills of oil, gasoline, and antifreeze

22 Pollutants: Pesticides Sources: over-applied or applied before a rainstorm, spills and leaks

23 Pollutants: Metals (zinc, copper, lead, cadmium) Sources: cars and trucks (brake and tire wear, exhaust); galvanized metal gutters and downspouts

24 Pollutants: Toxic Compounds Sources: Paints, cleaners, thinners, hazardous household products poured down stormdrains

25 Reducing Your Contribution to Runoff Pollution

26 Managing Fertilizers Test soil Apply only what’s needed and when Keep fertilizers off driveways and streets and away from waterways (30 – 50 ft) Go organic or use slow release Homeowners use up to 10 times more pesticides and fertilizers than farmers.

27 Pesky Pests Identify the problem / pest Never “spray first and ask questions later” Use less toxic pest controls Practice Integrated Pest Management Identify the problem / pest Never “spray first and ask questions later” Use less toxic pest controls Practice Integrated Pest Management

28 Yard Waste and Debris COMPOST! Keep debris off the street and out of the creek

29 Selecting a Lawn Care Company Check for certified or trained technicians Avoid company selling “blanket” applications of fertilizer and pesticides. Ask if they have conducted soil tests and a pest analysis to determine appropriate applications.

30 more… Ask what practices they follow to minimize use of fertilizers and pesticides –Slow release fertilizers, IPM, housekeeping Know to leave a buffer zone between fertilized area and waterbody Your opportunity to educate

31 Materials like cement, asphalt, roofing, and compacted soil prevent percolation of runoff into the ground. Impervious Surfaces UM Extension Service

32 Use porous paving materials in driveways.

33 Photo: SCNEMO

34 ... and walkway construction.

35 reduce the lawn Trees, shrubs and groundcover absorb 14 times more rainwater than turf.

36 Direct roof drains away from foundations and paved surfaces.

37 Rain Barrels…free water!

38 Low moisture plants Fluctuating water levels Plants that tolerate wet and dry conditions Rain Gardens Prince George’s Co. Dept. of Environmental Resources

39 In Austin, TX tree canopy reduced stormwater flows by up to 28%, saving the city $122 million. Trees--Nature’s Sponges  filter pollutants  slow runoff  control erosion  save money in stormwater costs  filter pollutants  slow runoff  control erosion  save money in stormwater costs

40 filter pollutants slow runoff control erosion provide habitat for wildlife increase property values Backyard Buffers Photo: SC NEMO

41 Your Vehicle…  recycle oil  wash the car on the grass  fix leaks  clean up spills When your washing your car in the driveway, remember your not just washing your car in the driveway.

42 If you think picking up dog poop is unpleasant try drinking it. If you think picking up dog poop is unpleasant try drinking it.

43 Next time the rain falls…

44 out of sight, out of mind

45 not really

46 It’s simple … What’s left on the ground or pavement ends up in the creeks, marshes and rivers. Reduce pollution sources Let rain runoff soak into the ground Your actions are the solution to runoff pollution! It’s simple … What’s left on the ground or pavement ends up in the creeks, marshes and rivers. Reduce pollution sources Let rain runoff soak into the ground Your actions are the solution to runoff pollution!

47 Clean water is everyone’s responsibility.

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