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Goal Setting Student Success. You can do it! We can help! “ Anything can be accomplished if we set our mind to it”.

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Presentation on theme: "Goal Setting Student Success. You can do it! We can help! “ Anything can be accomplished if we set our mind to it”."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goal Setting Student Success

2 You can do it! We can help! “ Anything can be accomplished if we set our mind to it”.

3 SMART Goals Goals should be SMART goals Specific-You know what the end in mind looks like or feels like. Measurable-The goal can be measured Achievable- The goal can be attained. Realistic-The goal must stay within the boundaries of physical/mental abilities. Timely-There is set time that this goal will be achieved by.

4 Success Goal To provide students with the ability to be successful in their classes at North High. Specific-Incoming Freshmen given Success classes at North High will graduate. Measurable-90% of all Freshmen will get a GPA of 2.0 or higher by the end of their High school career. Achievable-90% of all Freshmen will get a GPA of 2.0 or higher by the end of their school year 2008-2009 Realistic-90% of all students in HOPE classes are presently maintaining a GPA of 2.0 or higher. Timely-Freshmen Cum data will be used to collect this information by May of 2009

5 Going from Goal to Implementation Goal: To provide students with the ability to be successful in their classes at North High. Implementation: Teach students researched based, effective strategies that they can use in all classes to master the material being presented.

6 Chuncking & Margin notes Step 1: As you read, stop at the end of each paragraph. Step 2: Think about what you read: Underline/ highlight the most important information. (visual) Summarize it in your own words. (auditory) Write down a quick note in the margin; (tactile/Kinesthetic) or Draw a visual representation of the information (tactile/Kinesthetic)

7 You can do it, we can help! Let’s get started 1. Open your book to Chapter 16: Designing your fitness program on pages 336-338 2. On your sheet of paper put a heading on your paper include: Your name The date The heading: Goal Setting.

8 Directions continued 3. Fold your paper into two columns. 4. On the right had side label the column- Topic heading 5. On the right had side of your paper label the column-Margin notes Now we are ready to begin the activity.

9 Making your Goals Make sure that they are SMART goals that will ensure your successful attainment of those goals!

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