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Early Career Internal Review Research and development in superconducting detectors and associated electronics for high rates experiments. Study of radiation.

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1 Early Career Internal Review Research and development in superconducting detectors and associated electronics for high rates experiments. Study of radiation hardness at cryogenics temperature of detectors with an application to Compton Electron Polarimetry Office of Nuclear Physics Alexandre Camsonne

2 Early Career Internal Review Executive Summary/Abstract Superconducting nanowire showed single photon sensitivity with very fast pulse and excellent time resolution

3 Early Career Internal Review Specific Scientific Aims Produce detector using SRF Niobium facility Test performance and radiation hardness of detector Optimize detector for visible UV and minimum ionizing particale Test effect of substrate on speed of detector response Develop X-ray photolithography technique for large scale production of detector Develop integrated superconducting electronics for signal processing of high channel density detector Test performance of detector in beam in Hall A Compton polarimeter

4 Early Career Internal Review Research Impact and Benefits Summarize the impacts and benefits of your proposed research to: Jefferson Lab High rate ( GHz ) high radiation tolerant detector for photons and charged particles ( application to neutron DVCS, Double DVCS and other high rate experiments such as SBS ) Compton polarimetry at JLAB 12 GeV and future EIC Nuclear Physics (and other project offices if applicable) Detector easily usable in all laboratories where cryogenics is available Office of Science Detector applications in other field : Mass Spectrometry Time of Flight, communication

5 Early Career Internal Review Resources Needed SRF lab for NbN,NbNTi coating and etching ARC lab of photolithography Location in accelerator for X-ray photolithography 50 % PI Anne Marie Valente 10 % Designers Engineer Time of your colleagues, Designers, Engineers, Technicians, post- docs and graduate students - ODU engineering Departement

6 Early Career Internal Review Schedule and Milestones Here you should detail what you are going to accomplish and when- some type of graphic format is preferred here so that it is easy to track accomplishments with what is spent

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