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Cardiovascular system

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1 Cardiovascular system
SYLLABUS: RBP(Robbins Basic Pathology) Chapters: The Blood Vessels The Heart ,

2 Cardiovascular system
Postinflammatory valve scarring (rheumatic heart disease) Giant cell myocarditis Lymphocytic myocarditis 176a Cavernous hemangioma Atherosclerosis Arterio- and arteriolosclerosis (kidney)

3 obliterated originally layered and avascular leaflet architecture
Postinflammatory valve scarring (rheumatic heart disease) diffuse fibrosis neovascularization obliterated originally layered and avascular leaflet architecture Aschoff bodies replaced by fibrous scar

4 Postinflammatory valve scarring (rheumatic heart disease)

5 Postinflammatory valve scarring (rheumatic heart disease)

6 inflammatory cellular infiltrate containing:
Giant cell myocarditis inflammatory cellular infiltrate containing: - multinucleate giant cells (of either macrophage or myocyte origin) lymphocytes eosinophils plasma cells focal or frequently extensive necrosis

7 Giant cell myocarditis

8 Giant cell myocarditis

9 lymphocytic interstitial inflammatory infiltrate
Lymphocytic myocarditis lymphocytic interstitial inflammatory infiltrate focal necrosis of myocytes adjacent to the inflammatory cells

10 Lymphocytic myocarditis

11 sharply defined, but not encapsulated tumor
Cavernous hemangioma sharply defined, but not encapsulated tumor cavernous vascular spaces, partly or completely filled with blood separated by a scant connective tissue stroma common intravascular thrombosis with associated dystrophic calcification

12 Cavernous hemangioma

13 Cavernous hemangioma

14 Atherosclerosis the superficial fibrous cap composed of SMCs and relatively dense ECM - beneath and to the side of the cap (the "shoulder") a cellular area consisting of macrophages, SMCs, and T lymphocytes - necrotic core, containing a disorganized mass of lipid (primarily cholesterol and cholesterol esters), cholesterol clefts, debris from dead cells, foam cells (lipid-laden macrophages or SMCs), fibrin, variably organized thrombus, and other plasma proteins - around the periphery of the lesions, there is usually evidence of neovascularization (proliferating small blood vessels)

15 Atherosclerosis

16 Arterio- and arteriolosclerosis (kidney)
Hyaline Arteriolosclerosis - homogeneous, pink, hyaline thickening of the walls of arterioles with loss of underlying structural detail, and with narrowing of the lumen Hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis - onionskin, concentric, laminated thickening of the walls of arterioles with progressive narrowing of the lumina - in malignant hypertension hyperplastic changes are accompanied by deposits of fibrinoid and acute necrosis of the vessel walls

17 Arterio- and arteriolosclerosis (kidney)

18 Arterio- and arteriolosclerosis (kidney)

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