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FCI Supplement What determines FCI scores?. Explore FCI Dataset Descriptive Statistics Histograms Correlations Factor Analysis?

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Presentation on theme: "FCI Supplement What determines FCI scores?. Explore FCI Dataset Descriptive Statistics Histograms Correlations Factor Analysis?"— Presentation transcript:

1 FCI Supplement What determines FCI scores?

2 Explore FCI Dataset Descriptive Statistics Histograms Correlations Factor Analysis?

3 Facility Condition Index Example BuildingsFCISite and Building Conditions

4 What determines the FCI Score? N=115 Schools Parking, Roofing, Building & Structure are Ordinal Types of Data Values of 0, 1,2,34 FCI is a linear combination across several variables that have different weights Size of Data Set: 15 Variables

5 What determines the FCI Score? Bimodal? If Bimodal, what variable is driving this?

6 Grounds Parking Lots & DrivesRoofing Building & Structure Building Systems Special Systems Tech/ Comm Systems 5% 20%30%20%5%15% What correlates most strongly with FCI? What are the distributions of the predictors? Building & Structures looks bimodal. Other predictors look normal.

7 Roofing versus FCI (Scatterplot)

8 Roofing versus School Type (Boxplot)

9 FCI versus School Type (Boxplot)

10 Factor Analysis In the correlation matrix, only two predictor variables had a correlation greater than 0.4 – Grounds and Building Systems This says that the predictor variables are independent of one another Hence, it does not seem like the FCI variables can be combine / reduced

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