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Social Roles and Correlates as Influences on Human Behavior.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Roles and Correlates as Influences on Human Behavior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Roles and Correlates as Influences on Human Behavior

2 In this unit, you will learn the nature of sociological factors that are associated with violent crime, and the extent of those crimes. Additionally, this unit also explores the many dimensions of family violence and the impact it has on criminal behavior. Finally, this unit will offer insight into the explanations and cessation of family violence in America.

3 Read Chapter 9,"Homicide, Assault, and Family Violence." Discussion Seminar Quiz Reminder: No seminar in Unit 5

4  Manslaughter: is a legal term for the killing of a human being, in a manner considered by law as less culpable than murder.  Homicide: refers to the act of a human killing a human being.  Assault: The intentional inflicting of bodily injury on another person, or the attempt to inflict such injury.  Availability Heuristic: The cognitive shortcuts that people use to make quick inferences about their world. It is the information that is most readily available to us mentally, and is usually based extensively on the most recent material we gain from the news or entertainment media.  Munchausen Syndrome: An unusual form of child abuse in which the parent (usually the mother), or parents, consistently bring a child for medical attention with symptoms falsified or directly induced by the parent or parents.

5 Page 248 Chapter 9 Homicide, Assault, and Family Violence Aggravated assault 62% Murder 1% Forcible rape 7% Robbery 30% FIGURE 9-1 Violent Crime Distribution in the United States, 2007 Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2008

6  What are some variables that contribute to violence?

7  What does abuse mean to you?

8  Type of Abuse Definition  Physical abuse: Occurs when a parent willfully injures, causes injury, or allows a child to  be injured, tortured, or maimed out of cruelty or excessive punishment  Emotional abuse: Chronic pattern of behavior in which the child is belittled, denied love to  promote specific behavior, or subjected to extreme and inappropriate punishment  Emotional neglect :Failure to provide a child with appropriate support, attention, and affection.  Sexual abuse: Exploitation of a child or adolescent for another person’s sexual and  control gratification  Child neglect: Chronic failure of a parent or caretaker to provide a child with basic needs  such as food, clothing, shelter, medical care, educational opportunity, protection, and supervision.  Missing and exploited: Kidnapping a child from a custodial parent, child abduction by strangers,  or child sexual exploitation for child pornography, child prostitution.

9 Type of Abuse Estimated Percentage Neglect 58.50 Physical abuse 15.70 Financial exploitation 12.30 Emotional abuse 7.30 Sexual abuse 0.04 Other types 5.10 Unknown 0.06

10  What is the cycle of violence?

11  “The continuation of violence which may occur across generations among individuals who have experienced and witnessed violence in their families. Also pertains to the violence experienced by women in domestic violence situations.”  Discussion question

12  What is a woozle or woozle effect? Discussion question

13  A “woozle” is a one-sided or fictitious claim designed to influence public opinion.  See next slide also

14  Dr. Richard Gelles of the University of Pennsylvania is one of the best-known researchers in this field. Gelles recently published an article in Family Court Review that exposes many of these woozles. [http://www.blackwell- 1617.2007.00127.x]http://www.blackwell- 1617.2007.00127.x

15  — "The Centers for Disease Control reports that domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women ages 15 to 44." Interesting, but the CDC never said anything like that. — "According to the March of Dimes, battering during pregnancy is the leading cause of birth defects." That factoid certainly came as a surprise to the March of Dimes. — "Female perpetrators of partner homicide serve longer jail sentences than males" Here's the truth: the average prison sentence for male offenders is 17 years, and for female murderers is 6 years.

16  Any questions?  Reminder: No seminar in unit 5 Midterm: Writing Assignment (70pts) & Final Project Outline (150 pts) Two assignments due by end of Unit 5.  Any questions?  Wrap Up

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