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I was a college student mental patient. by David W. Oaks, Director MindFreedom international

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1 I was a college student mental patient. by David W. Oaks, Director MindFreedom international

2 How psychiatric survivors and mental health professionals can unite for a nonviolent revolution in youth mental health care 13 October 2007 Seminar International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology

3 World Health Organization (WHO): "Global emergency" of human rights violations in the mental health system.

4 Psychiatric survivor perspective: Identify as having experienced a human right violation in mental health. Celia Brown (photo credit: Tom Olin)

5 Types of Psychiatric Coercion Force Fraud Fear Leah Harris (photo credit: Tom Olin)

6 Example 1: Force with intrusive, irreversible procedure Involuntary electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) against the expressed wishes of the subject. Occurs in both developed and developing nations. Leonard Roy Frank & Kris Yates

7 World Health Organization: Ban all "forced electroshock" absolutely and internationally. Benedetto Saraceno, MD, Director, Dept. of Mental Health and Substance Abuse World Health Organization

8 Example 2: Force with intrusive, irreversible procedure Forced, long-term, high-dosage neuroleptic psychiatric drugs. Also known as anti-psychotics (e.g., Haloperidol, Clozaril, etc.) Larry Plumlee, MD (photo credit: Tom Olin)

9 Forced neuroleptics at home. Involuntary Outpatient Commitment or Community Treatment Orders can mean court-ordered forced drugging in our own homes. Gabriel Hadd

10 Screen World for Normality! Judi Chamberlin & Sally Zinman

11 11 October 2007 - APA

12 Recent medical evidence about long-term high-dose neuroleptics: Structural changes in brain. Shrinkage of higher level areas of the brain. Same area of brain targeted in lobotomy. Brain change is indisputable: Visible in brain scans (e.g., CT) Detectable in brain tissue samples. Replicated in animal studies (e.g., monkeys)

13 “Exposure to antipsychotic and brain size” After 17 to 27 months of exposure: 8 to 11% mean brain weight reduction in monkeys Source: Neuropsychopharmacology 9 March 2005

14 Fraud about psychiatric drug hazards. Pharmaceutical industry domination is immense. Physicians are routinely misinformed. What is solution?

15 Unite: Pull Together.

16 Fear of no alternative. Medical monopoly means little choice. Loren Mosher, MD (photo credit: Tom Olin)

17 This not a civil war. This is a nonviolent REVOLUTION.

18 Globalization of psychiatric industry? Drug

19 Dialogue with World Psychiatric Association? Juan Mezzich (on left) President of WPA in Dresden meeting.

20 Nonviolent revolution in mental health care? Our vision: Right to say “no.” Full information. Far more non- drug voluntary alternatives. APA protest. Photo credit: Tom Olin.

21 Voices for Choices in Mental Health by David W. Oaks, Director MindFreedom International

22 MindFreedom International 1-877-MAD-PRIDE

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