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Writing Across the Curriculum at Kennedy-King College Some myths and facts…

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1 Writing Across the Curriculum at Kennedy-King College Some myths and facts…

2 Myth 1: I have to turn in only high quality writing assignments.

3 Fact: WAC is not looking for particularly good or bad writing. WAC is simply looking at all student writing so we can get an accurate picture of where we stand in terms of our general education goals.

4 Myth 2: The writing assignments I submit to WAC are a reflection of me as a teacher.

5 Fact: The writing assignments you submit to WAC are not connected to you as a teacher at all. I redact the students’ names and no faculty names appear in the final WAC report.

6 Myth 3: My subject has nothing to do with writing so I can’t participate in WAC

7 Fact: Every subject could and should do some form of writing assignment. It doesn’t have to be complex or lengthy. You don’t even have to grade it -- that’s what I do.

8 In fact, here are a few simple writing prompts you can use with your own students…

9 Prompt 1: A Lecture Summary After you have finished a day’s lecture, ask the students to write a one- to two- paragraph summary of what you just taught them. (You might be very surprised by what you find out while reading these.)

10 Prompt 2: A Learner’s Progress Report At particular points in the semester, ask the students to write a brief report on how they think they’re doing in your class. Ask them to include any concepts they think are difficult and which concepts they think they have mastered.

11 Prompt 3: A Journal Have your students keep a reflection journal throughout the course of the semester.

12 Or… You can submit any other written assignment that you give your students during the course of the semester.

13 How do I submit papers to WAC? Make sure you submit copies Please provide the prompt you used for the assignment Make sure the course they came from is somewhere on the papers Typed papers are preferable, but handwritten is fine as well Try to make sure the papers are at least 150 to 200 words long

14 Submit papers to: Giano Cromley in Room Y-177

15 Writing Across the Curriculum Analytic Scoring Rubric

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