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1.The Constitution as written had no protection of individual rights. 2.The Constitution 3.James Madison 4.Religion, speech, press, assembly, petition.

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Presentation on theme: "1.The Constitution as written had no protection of individual rights. 2.The Constitution 3.James Madison 4.Religion, speech, press, assembly, petition."— Presentation transcript:


2 1.The Constitution as written had no protection of individual rights. 2.The Constitution 3.James Madison 4.Religion, speech, press, assembly, petition 5.To have a militia, you have the right to own a gun

3 6. Quartering of soldiers 7. Unreasonable search and seizure. You can be searched if there is a warrant or in an emergency 8. You ca not be tried for the same crime twice, this is part of the 5 th amendment 9. You can not be forced to testify at your own trial 10. Right to a speedy public trial, impartial jury, in district where crime committed, you get to know your accuser, you may obtain witnesses for trial, right to a defense lawyer

4 11. Right of a trial by jury in a civil case 12. Cruel and unusual punishment and excessive bail 13. Unenumerated rights are those that are not written in the Bill of Rights but still belong to people 14. Powers not given to the federal government or prohibited for states to have, belong to the states and the people

5 15. #8, no excessive bail 16. #1, freedom of speech, assembly 17. #3, no quartering soldiers 18. #5, no double jeopardy 19. #5, right to remain silent 20. #10, states rights 21. #4, unreasonable search and seizure 22. #6, right to a speedy public trial

6 23. The writers, and leaders of the American Revolution, wanted to prevent tyranny 24. Bill is written in committee in one house of Congress. Two-thirds of each house (House of Reps and Senate ) must approve. Then proposal goes to states. Three-Quarters of states must approve. 25. Separation of Powers and checks and balances both help prevent tyranny by limiting the powers of each branch

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