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Baltimore Polytechnic Institute September 4, 2014 A/A.P. U.S. History Mr. Green.

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1 Baltimore Polytechnic Institute September 4, 2014 A/A.P. U.S. History Mr. Green

2 At the end of this lesson, students will be able to analyze the social/cultural and economic responses of the British, French, and Spanish to the Indians of North America prior to 1750 by evaluating the impact on Native American life and culture

3 It is 1750 and an 18 th century human rights organization has hired you, representatives of a world renowned “think tank” to conduct a hearing and prepare a report on the impact of European colonization on the indigenous people of North America. Presentations at this hearing will detail the social/cultural and economic responses of the British, French, and Spanish to the Indians of North American between 1492- 1750. After the hearing, you will be asked to determine the degree to which each nation’s colonizers impacted the Native Americans and to indict the harshest colonizers for “crimes against humanity” by publishing a brochure.

4 Students will take the mini-assessment

5 Brochure is due on Friday September 5 th Read “Serving Time in Virginia” and prepare for a quiz on Friday.

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