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Trans-Neptunian objects = celestial objects beyond Neptune.

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Presentation on theme: "Trans-Neptunian objects = celestial objects beyond Neptune."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trans-Neptunian objects = celestial objects beyond Neptune

2 What exists beyond Neptune? Kuiper Belt - a region of the solar system beyond the orbit of Neptune containing small objects that orbit the sun Oort cloud - a massive cloud of icy debris beyond Pluto (50,000- 100,000 AU from the Sun) Both contain materials left over from the formation of the solar system – think about the dust that remains at the edges of a room after sweeping it

3 Pluto = Dwarf Planet What are the criteria of a dwarf planet? – large enough to be round – orbit the sun – have no clear path Since Pluto overlaps with Neptune’s orbit, it is now considered a dwarf planet Most dwarf planets are trans- Neptunian objects = beyond Neptune’s orbit (usually in the Kuiper belt) Exception: Ceres – found in asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter

4 Asteroids Small, rocky objects that never formed into planets They also orbit the Sun Most found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter Some can have their own satellite/moon Ida Dactyl Bill Nye- Can we prevent the next impact by an asteroid?

5 MeteoroidMeteorMeteorite Piece of rock moving through space a burning meteoroid as it enters the earth’s atmosphere a fragment of a meteor fallen to earth. 1 st video to 2:25 min

6 are actually not stars but meteors as they burn up in Earth’s atmosphere leaving behind trails Shooting stars Meteor Shower Occurs when Earth passes into the path of debris left behind by a comet These debris burn up in Earth’s atm. creating streaks of light in the sky D0 D0 (Ha!)

7 Comets The Sun’s wind pushes gases and particles away from the comet creating a tail Objects made of dust, ice, rock, and gas that come from the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud Often influenced by the gravitational pull of Jupiter, which casts them towards the Sun

8 Exoplanet a planet that orbits a star outside the solar system -Discovered in 1995 - the first exoplanet found orbiting a star similar to the Sun -takes 51 Pegasi B only four days to orbit its star, -Its surface temperatures >1,000 o C. 51 Pegasi B Kepler-186f discovered in 2014

9 Independent Work! 1.Using section 8.1 p317-331, complete the handouts “Reflecting and Refracting Telescopes” and “Canadian Contributions to Space Exploration” 2.Define: electromagnetic radiation and satellite 3.Then, complete the “Section 8.1 Review” handout

10 Review 1.What are some challenges astronauts face in space? 2.What are some reasons why robots may be better to use? 3.What is the difference between a refracting and reflecting telescope? 4.What is HST? MOST? 5.What is a satellite? 6.What is ENVISAT? 7.What is ISS? 8.What is Chris Hadfield’s contribution to space exploration? Julie Payette? Robert Thirsk?

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