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ASSESSMENT and EVALUATION (seeing through the jargon and figuring out how to use the tools)

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1 ASSESSMENT and EVALUATION (seeing through the jargon and figuring out how to use the tools)

2 Some Questions 1.What is the difference between ASSESSMENT and EVALUATION? 2.What is the difference between ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING and ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING?

3 First, the jargon………

4 Assessment is: The collecting and analyzing of data and information about a learner’s progress and achievement The process of gathering information from a variety of sources that reflects how well a student is achieving the curriculum expectations in a course. As part of assessment, teachers provide students with descriptive feedback that guides their efforts toward improvement. The process of assessment guides teaching, as well as student learning and progress.

5 Assessments provide the necessary information to: Diagnose and track student progress and achievement; Provide feedback to students (and parents/guardians) about progress and achievement; Foster the development of students’ ability to assess their own progress; Implement and improve instruction, curriculum and educational programs for all students.

6 The Purposes of Assessment to identify a student’s incoming or developing strengths and weaknesses with respect to the knowledge and skills outlined in curriculum expectations to use this information gathered to provide descriptive feedback and/or additional instruction to help students improve their achievement of the curriculum expectations

7 Types of Student Assessment There are two main types of student assessment: –Diagnostic –Formative Both of these types of assessment are used as assessments for learning, not grading purposes. (i.e. normally, assessment does not contribute to a student’s final grade)

8 Diagnostic Assessment Used at the beginning of a unit/term/course to identify where students stand in relation to selected curriculum expectations. Give baseline data Is a tool for teachers to use to plan instruction based on student needs

9 Formative Assessment Used during a unit of study to identify how well the instruction is working for each student Used to reflect on and modify instructional techniques to improve student learning.

10 The Role of Feedback in Assessment Based on analysis of approximately 8000 research studies: “The most powerful single modification that enhances achievement is feedback.”* –Feedback should be specific –Immediate feedback is more effective than delayed feedback –Feedback should be a value-neutral description of what the teacher observed (i.e. it is not praise or blame) –Feedback may come from teacher, peer, student (self) * Hattie, J. A. “Measuring the Effects of Schooling.” Australian Journal of Education. 1992, 36 (1): 5-13

11 Evaluation is: The application of judgment to the data collected and its analysis to place a “value” on the learner’s achievement. The process of judging the quality of student work based on established criteria and assigning a value to represent that quality. (The overall value assigned will eventually be in the form of a percentage grade on a report card.) Assessment of learning

12 Evaluations provide the necessary information to: Help guide decisions regarding grading, student placement and certification; Provide achievement data for teachers, schools, and the Board from school system improvement planning; Communicate information for accountability and certification purposes.

13 The Purpose of Evaluation to measure achievement, not progress to make a judgment about, and assign a value to, a student’s achievement of the knowledge and skills outlined in the curriculum expectations to determine a student’s final grade in a course

14 A Special Note: Evaluating Group Work Working collaboratively is often part of curriculum expectations. However, when evaluating groups, teachers should focus on evaluating the individual skills of each student. Ensure that tasks (presentations, papers, etc.) and evaluation tools (checklists, rubrics, etc.) are designed to allow for individual accountability.

15 Next, to plan around assessments and evaluations

16 Get together with your Unit Planning Groups and Look at the unit plan you have generated thus far (or start considering your overall unit plan) Consider your Culminating Task Plan lessons and corresponding assessments so students can succeed at the Culminating Task

17 Some Tips Assessment should be part of your daily plan as this guides your teaching Collecting “marking” every day could create too much work and backlog/overload you Feedback has to be “timely” to be effective Consider peer marking! (but remember students need to learn assessment skills)

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