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Chapter 9: Taking Care of Yourself By: The Missing Links.

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1 Chapter 9: Taking Care of Yourself By: The Missing Links

2 Agenda  Bell Work  Norms  SLO’s  Presentation 1 (James)  Activity 1  Presentation 2 (Sophia)  Presentation 3 (Querlaine)  Final Activity

3 Bell Work

4 Norms Be respectful. Enjoy! Participate. Listen attentively.

5 Student Learning Outcomes  By the end of this chapter students will be able to:  Explain the concepts of developing self- awareness, self-understanding, assertiveness, and conflict resolution skills.  Identify how to manage and cope with stress.  Explain the importance of balancing one’s personal and professional life.  Identify necessary steps for keeping safe in the workplace.

6 Developing Self Awareness  The most fundamental Skill in taking care of yourself is self-awareness. Its best place to start in managing your emotions because it enables you simply to recognize your feelings as they occur.  You will develop and maintain self-awareness during your internship  Work on simply observing your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors in various situations as a method of learning more about yourself and learning to monitor your emotions.

7 Developing Self-Understanding  Self-understanding can go beyond simply identifying your feelings; it involves recognizing the sources of those feelings.  Self-understanding relies on deeper reflection your feelings.  There are going to be situations where you will be very uncomfortable. Feelings like distressed, anxious and somewhat annoyed.

8 Developing Self-Understanding  Important questions remains to be answered.  Where do these feelings come from?  What particular events in the meeting might have triggered these emotions?  Was a topic discussed that you found upsetting?  Do the feelings suggest that there is an issue or problem that needs to be resolved? If so, is it an issue within yourself?  A problem within your internship?  An interpersonal conflict?  Or a combination of all of the above?

9 Developing Assertiveness  Assertiveness is simply the ability to communicate your thoughts and feelings straightforwardly, respecting your own needs as well as the needs of others.  Assertiveness is an essential tool for human service professionals to use as they engage in dealing with emotions and solving problems.  Assertiveness involves the use of clear and confident “I- Statements” in expressing what you need, want, or feel.

10 Developing Assertiveness Does assertiveness makes people look selfish, demanding, or rude?

11 Developing Assertiveness  Not entirely true, behaviors like this are misunderstood instead of trying to be assertive but this are just aggressive behaviors. Assertive communication recognizes and respects the rights of others.  Observing good models of assertive communication can be effective in helping less assertive people become more assertive.

12 Developing Conflict Resolution Skills  Four step model of conflict resolution consisting of:  1. Developing expectations for win-win solutions.  2. Brainstorming creative options.  3. Combining options into win-win solutions.  4. Developing a best alternative into a negotiated agreement.  Conflict resolution training using this model experienced better outcomes in their conflict resolution efforts.

13 Let’s Go On Vacation!!!!

14 Developing Positive Self-Talk  It is difficult being a beginner, mostly in a setting where it may seem that others are equally competent and highly experienced while you are the only “new kid on the block.”  There will be times when you feel as if no one is ever there to witness your shining moments of success but that your deficiencies are clearly apparent to all.

15 Developing Positive Self-Talk  Realistic, accepting, supportive messages are sometimes referred to as “positive self-talk”.  Positive self-talk doesn’t consist of unrealistic, overblown statements about your abilities or your performance.  Examples:  This is challenging but I can handle it.  I do not have to be perfect to do a good job.  It is OK to say “I don’t know”

16 Developing Positive Self-Talk  “Negative self-talk” happens when people give themselves unclear, overly critical, and unrealistic messages about themselves or their situation.  Examples:  If I make a mistake, I’m a failure.  I must please everyone all of the time.  I’ll never get it right.

17 Developing Self-Control  To Appreciate the value of self-control in managing your feelings effectively, it can help by thinking of it as the direct opposite of impulsiveness.  Maintaining self-control and avoiding impulsivity require self-monitoring and hard work.

18 Learning to Manage Your Stress and Care for Yourself  Stressors can be external conditions in the environment or internal conditions within yourself, such as your attitudes, beliefs, or expectations.  Work stress is also expected, especially in a new and demanding situation, such as your internship.  Work-related stress is often experienced as an inability to meet the demands of the work environment.

19 Learning to Manage Your Stress and Care for Yourself  Assertive communication and conflict resolution skills can be used with any situation where stress can be reduced or even eliminated.  A part of stress management involves the recognition that not all situations in our environments are amenable to our influence or control.  An important strategy for dealing with stress involves directing your attention to other matters.  Stress-relieving activities:  Talking with friends  Walking  Swimming  Praying  Taking a nap  Listening to music

20 Maintaining a Balance Between Your Work Life and Your Personal Life  Finding the right balance between the demands of a career and the demands of one’s personal life involves a lifelong process of learning and self-discipline for many human service professionals.  Some students begin their internship by working too hard, which could lead to early burnout.  Entire agencies can be affected by burnout as workers’ performance and effectiveness are adversely affected, thus harming the quality of services to clients.

21 Maintaining a Balance Between Your Work Life and Your Personal Life  Throughout a human service professional’s career, conflicts between personal issues and career have to be managed. The internship might be looked at as an opportunity to start this learning.  In extreme situations, some students may need counseling or need to withdraw from the internship; however, improving organizational skills, time management, or developing assertiveness could benefit these students.

22 Maintaining a Balance Between Your Work Life and Your Personal Life  “…Overlooking one’s own needs creates a predisposition to overlooking clients’ needs, and overstepping their boundaries. Hence, taking care of one’s emotional health is of vital importance in this work.”

23 Keeping Safe  Workplace violence and incidents involving physical aggression against human service workers have increased.  As an intern discuss with your supervisor and other staff members the potential risks that might exist in your particular setting and ask for information about how to minimize and deal with these risks.

24 Keeping Safe  If you feel that the situation is dangerous then make an excuse to leave the room and immediately alert other workers so that the client is not left unsupervised. o When you find yourself in the presence of an individual who seems threatening: o Stay calm, speak slowly in a normal tone o Be respectful and listen empathetically o Avoid arguing o Assertive communication can be effective, o Help the client talk out angry feelings, not act them out

25 Keeping Safe  Nonverbal communication:  Do not touch the client  Eye contact should convey that your involvement is positive  Allow more than the usual amount of personal space  Avoid making sudden movements and explain your movements  Sit  Consider ways to make it easier for the client to leave  Do not feel obligated to yield to subtle or direct pressures when your personal safety is at stake.

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