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Why Privacy & Security Awareness Training?. Why is privacy & security awareness training required?

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Presentation on theme: "Why Privacy & Security Awareness Training?. Why is privacy & security awareness training required?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Privacy & Security Awareness Training?

2 Why is privacy & security awareness training required?

3 Changing Threat Landscape Then Amateur hackers Web site defacement Viruses Infrequent attacks Now Organized crime SQL Injections Identity theft Constant threat + Amateur hackers Web site defacement Viruses

4 Why is privacy & security awareness training required? Threats to data, systems, and networks are increasing. Attacks are more sophisticated. Technology can’t do the job alone. National Association of State Chief Information Officers and other leading organizations have said this is a high priority.

5 Why is privacy & security awareness training required? Louisiana public servants have a responsibility to safeguard data and other IT resources. OIT policies require it. 

6 What are my responsibilities? Be privacy & security minded.  Privacy & security considerations are necessities, not burdens.  Consider the impact your actions could have on the security of data and other IT resources.

7 What are my responsibilities? Be willing to learn.  Understand the privacy and security requirements of the networks, systems, devices, and data that are part of your job.  Know what data you have.  Know with whom you are communicating.  Question Question Question “Do we need this data for a business function?” “Should I have access to this data?” “Should I share this data with others?”

8 What are my responsibilities? Be proactive.  Adopt good privacy and security practices at work and at home.  Report unusual events.

9 What are my responsibilities? Seek help and advice.  Become familiar with the policies, procedures, and standards that apply to your work environment.  When in doubt, ask!

10 How do I know what to do? Federal & state law University Policies University Procedures University Work Rules Procedures or standards specific to a program or deapartment Your team lead, supervisor, or manager Security Officer or Data Privacy Point of Contact

11 Where can I get information? Michael Graham Chief Information Technology Officer , 5523

12 Where do I start? IT Best Practices  Acceptable Use  Password-PIN  Mobile Computing  Data Classification  Security Education and Awareness  Incident Response  And more

13 Where do I start? Special Areas of Concern  Sensitive data  E-mail  Portable computing devices  Storage media – electronic and non-electronic  Internet & Usage  Physical security  Exit procedures  Incident response

14 Remember Privacy & Security are everybody’s business!

15 Questions???

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