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Review homework on sustainable policy research In pairs can you think of 3 sustainable strategies to reduce the number of cars on the road? Sustainable.

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Presentation on theme: "Review homework on sustainable policy research In pairs can you think of 3 sustainable strategies to reduce the number of cars on the road? Sustainable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review homework on sustainable policy research In pairs can you think of 3 sustainable strategies to reduce the number of cars on the road? Sustainable transport involves maintaining the standard of transport that is required for ________ and the _______ to function efficiently without placing too much pressure on the __________.

2 Sustainable Transport and Case Studies To be able to detailed knowledge of sustainable transport examples.

3 1) To be able to outline the basic themes of sustainable transport schemes. 2) To be able to describe with detail several different types of sustainable transport schemes. 3) To apply today’s knowledge to create an Information Page* in groups to the sustainable transport schemes of Milton Keynes.

4 To be able to outline the basic themes of sustainable transport schemes. 1.________ to the ________ demand by ______ more _____. This might help __________ but will eventually lead to even more ________ and an ________ in _________ levels. 2. ________ traffic with a range of _______ schemes. A wide range of _________ transport schemes have been introduced around the world to alleviate the problems of _________ and _____________. There are two ways to manage traffic in urban areas: Increasing Sustainable Reduce Pollution Increase Vehicles Congestion Roads Building Respond Sustainable Congestion Pollution

5 To be able to outline the basic themes of sustainable transport schemes. 1.________ to the ________ demand by ______ more _____. This might help __________ but will eventually lead to even more ________ and an ________ in _________ levels. 2. ________ traffic with a range of _______ schemes. A wide range of _________ transport schemes have been introduced around the world to alleviate the problems of _________ and _____________. There are two ways to manage traffic in urban areas: Increasing Sustainable Reduce Pollution Increase Vehicles Congestion Roads Building Respond Sustainable Congestion Pollution

6 To be able to describe with detail several different types of sustainable transport schemes. Arrange then copy these two detailed schmes. One Scheme, one detail, one Location, three facts. Congestion Charging LONDON Traffic levels reduced by 21%. 12% reduction in the emission of nitrous. 12% increase in cycle journeys. Park and Ride CAMBRIDGE Covers the five main routes including Trumpington Site (A11) and Milton Site (A14). Making motorists pay for urban travel during areas of heaviest use. Shoppers pay to park on the edge of an urban area then catch a free bus to the centre. 4,500 spaces. Costs £2.20

7 To be able to describe with detail several different types of sustainable transport schemes. Arrange then copy these two detailed schmes. One Scheme, one detail, one Location, three facts. Congestion Charging LONDON Traffic levels reduced by 21%. 12% reduction in the emission of nitrous. 12% increase in cycle journeys. Park and Ride CAMBRIDGE Making motorists pay for urban travel during areas of heaviest use. Shoppers pay to park on the edge of an urban area then catch a free bus to the centre. 4,500 spaces. Costs £2.20 Covers the five main routes including Trumpington Site (A11) and Milton Site (A14).

8 To apply today’s knowledge to create an Information Page* in groups to cover the sustainable transport policies of Milton Keynes. Task: in groups create an Information Page* to develop the Sustainable Transport Policies into something far more memorable and exciting. It is for uploading on to the web. Things to include: Background information on the policies from the lesson / text book, specific details of three-four schemes used in Milton Keynes, images and maps. Things to use: Text book, Your knowledge, leaflets, email these organisations, web sites. Ask yourself: Is the Information Page we have made……. A Useful Revision sheet? (MUST). Contain all the things we had to include? (SHOULD). Contain extended skills like videos of evidence, a survey to review participation or success (COULD).

9 Now complete and mark the exam question



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