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Healthy Eating & Nutritional Values for Children By: Leiken Ohler.

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1 Healthy Eating & Nutritional Values for Children By: Leiken Ohler

2 What defines and shapes a child’s nutritional values?  What they have grown up around and what they have been taught about food from the very beginning (parents, environment, etc).  It is important to instill good nutritional values and practices in young children for their future health and benefit.

3 Strategies to Improve Nutrition 5 of the best strategies to improve nutrition and encourage smart eating habits when raising children:  Regular family meals  Have a variety of healthy foods and snacks be served  Be a role mode yourself by eating healthy  Avoid unnecessary battles over food  Involve kids in the nutritional process

4 Family Meals  Children usually enjoy the predictability of family meals and parents get a chance to catch up with their kids.  Family meals are a good chance for parents to introduce new foods to their children and serve as good role models. Kids who regularly attend family meals are:  more likely to eat fruits, veggies, and grains  less likely to snack on unhealthy foods

5 Variety of Healthy Foods  It is important to control what foods are available at home to children- for meals or for snacks- but to also provide a healthy variety. Some Basic Guidelines:  Work fruits and vegetables into daily routine, keeping them on hand and ready to eat  Serve lean meats and other sources of protein (fish, eggs, beans, nuts)  Whole grain breads and cereals so kids will get more fiber.  Limit fat intake  avoid frying foods and choose healthier cooking methods (broiling, grilling, roasting, steaming)

6 Variety of Healthy Foods continued…  Choose low-fat or nonfat dairy products  Limit fast food and sugary drinks such as soda or fruit-flavored drinks  Don’t ban children’s favorite unhealthy snacks but serve them in moderation

7 Being a Role Model  Set a good example for children  Eat fruits and vegetables  Don’t overindulge in the less nutritious foods  Serve appropriate portions and don’t overeat yourself  Express feelings of fullness to children. “This is delicious, but I’m full, so I’m going to have to stop eating.”  Keep a positive attitude about food.

8 Avoiding Food Battles One of the best strategies when it comes to food & children is to give kids some control but also limit the kinds of foods that are available to them at home.  Establish a stable schedule of meals and snacks  Don’t force children to finish their plates  Don’t bribe/reward children with food.  Don’t use food as a means of showing love or affection.

9 Getting Children Involved  Have them help decide what to make for dinner  Have them help shop for meal ingredients and prepare the meal  Teach kids to look at food labels when at the store  Have them assist you in making their lunches for school so that they can choose healthy, yet preferable and packable foods to their liking

10 Getting Children Involved  When children become involved in the nutritional process, it will help prepare them to make good decisions on their own about what foods to eat in the future.

11 Portion Control  One of the most important aspects of healthy eating…portion control and cutting down the amount of fat that a child eats. Easy ways to reduce fat intake in children:  Lean cuts of meat  Reduced amount of sugar-sweetened drinks  Low-fat or nonfat dairy products  Poultry without the skin  Healthy snacks such as veggies and fruits  Whole grain cereals and breads  Read food labels and limit foods with trans fat

12 Additional Tips for Parents in Regards to Children’s Nutrition  Encourage children to eat slowly, waiting 15 minutes to see if they are still hungry for a second serving.  Discourage eating in front of the TV…may lead to overeating and difficulty paying attention to fullness.  Making sure meals that are outside of the home are balanced. Find out about school program lunches or pack lunch to use a variety of foods.  Encourage drinking more water!

13 Food Safety 4 Major Guidelines with Children’s Food Safety  CLEAN: wash hands and surfaces frequently  SEPARATE: no cross-contamination; wash use utensils before using them on another food  COOK: cook to accurate temperature using a stove or food thermometer  CHILL: refrigerate foods promptly

14 Food Safety: Additional Factors to Consider When Feeding Young Children  Different foods to avoid to prevent foodborne illnesses  Foods that can be considered choking hazards  Importance of handwashing  Pros of serving seafood to your child because of the Omega-3 fats and their health benefits but also avoiding any mercury content in seafood  Consulting with doctor for more info if child has any food allergies

15 10 Healthy Lifestyle Tips to Instill in Children Today  Food is fun…Enjoy your food!  Breakfast is a very important meal!  Variety of foods is the recipe for health!  Base your food on carbohydrates!  Eat fruits & veggies with each meal and as snacks!  Too much fat is not good for your health!  Eat regularly and choose a variety of snacks!  Quench all thirsts, drink plenty of liquids!  Care for your teeth by brushing twice a day or +!  Be active every day!

16 Video  Provided is an example of a time- manageable way for a child to eat healthier.  Multiple options are available and they are appealing to the eye.  ch?v=gOTxw35wh4E ch?v=gOTxw35wh4E

17 Organizations  There are many nationwide organizations that promote healthy eating for children and the value of nutrition as a whole. Examples include:  Whole Kids Foundation  Action for Healthy Kids

18 Whole Kids Foundation  Mission: “We support schools and inspire families to improve children’s nutrition and wellness. Given the right opportunities, kids will get excited about fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other nutritious whole foods.”

19 Action for Healthy Kids  What We Do: “Action for Healthy Kids make schools healthier places so kids can live healthier lives. We have identified three complimentary elements required to make our work successful, laid out in our ‘Theory of Change,’ the Every Kid Healthy Equation.”

20 Any Questions? Comments?

21 References  VE/expid/10-healthy-eating-tips-kids/ VE/expid/10-healthy-eating-tips-kids/  ealthy_eating/habits.html# ealthy_eating/habits.html#  ood-safety.html ood-safety.html  healthy-eating-habits healthy-eating-habits

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